Dear All,Is there any way to run Voice Gateway like AS5400 with two protocol H323 and SIP simultaneously? Any voice gateway performance afftected? or Voice quality affected? if we run both protocol in only one gateway?Best Regards,Daneth
Pardon me for being a rookie CSC user. We've got a Active/Standby server setup and had a failover but the standby never came back up. We've power cycled (since didn't have root passwd handy at first) and then reinstalled SW. Seems there's some goo...
Router: Cisco 3725IOS Version: 12.4(10a)IOS image loaded: "flash:c3725-spservicesk9-mz.124-10a.bin"Sometimes the E1 doesn't put channels in idle status, so it doesn't stay ready to receive next call.I saw a lot of good information in CCO doc - E1 ... link says that Fax-relay is the preferred fax method.1. Is there a particular reason Cisco recommends this instead of using Pass through,besides using...
Hi every body,I have a serious problem with my callmanager platefrom, i have 2 call manager (pub, sub) and gateway 2821 with fxo and EVM module, my problem is some random problem, when I call to local number with 9 digit it's ok never problem.when I...
Hey guys, Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I wanted to put this out here and see what kind of feedback/help/assistance I could get. I'm a Network Admin at my company and pretty much in charge of anything Routing/Switching related. Howev...
Hello Experts,i have just moved 50 cisco 7912 phones over from SCCP to SIP and for some strange reason they wont return a 486 busy signal when they are in use. this is causing us problems with going to voicemail. we have plenty of 7940 which are work...
Dear AllCan anybody have idea to how we can receive email alerts in details for the following,1.PGW different alrams like any ss7 link .c7 link down or have continous fluctuations,ip link down2.any cics are down or in diffrent state from cic number 1...
Dear AllI'm new in PGW 2200 g/w fields, i need help in following-What are the different CIC status if we are talking about PGW 2200 & what is the meaning of those different state.Also if any CIC in error state like RemAuto we can see what is the reas...
Hi AllWe are using AS5400 as MGW & we are observing following logs on our mGW.IOS version- 12.4 (22)DSpware vesrion=9.4%C5510-1-NO_RING_DESCRIPTORS: No more ring descriptors available on slot 3 dsp 11Can you tell me why this logs coming over MGW, is ...
Hi folks,First let me clear my requirement. I want my call flow like this:Customer calling to contact center ------>PGW sends ACM to Service Provider-----> Call established on IVR (toll free)On the same flow:Customer presses '0' to talk with human ag...
Dear AllWe are using PGW 2200 & MGW AS5400 for TDM termination from VOIP, I often observed on MGW many E1 channels in ei8ther blocked states or proposed state.i have following question in regards to this1. If E1 channels or ISDN channels in blocked ...
hi,VIC3-2FXS/DID which is update version of VIC2-2FXS is not function well although configuration is same as vic2-2fxs, I can able to dial and there is ring but after picking by receiver within seconds line get disconnected I can hardly hear hello**!...
Hi All, We are using PGW2200 in signaling mode .. Kindly clarify the use of linkset , ss7route , ss7path , naspath , c7link etc and how all are interrelated and with one call flow eg.RegardsSathya.