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SPA9000 with SPA3102 configuration questions

Level 1
Level 1

I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done according to the instructions on the web site and the local distributor in Lima, Perú.

I have encountered the following issues and would appreciate your help in resolving them:

  1. Local Time changes periodically.  I have configured the SPA9000 for GMT-5, set Daylighy Saving Time Enable to no, and erased the Daylight Saving Time Rule and the time web site, but time keeps updating automatically to DST (NY time).  I have checked all phone terminals and all have the same configuration.
  2. Busy tone when using call pickup and group pickup for outside call.  Works fine on first stage of pickup, gets busy tone on second stage, when selecting the line to be picked up (from the SPA3102).  Works fine on internal calls though.
  3. No caller id passthrough to phone terminals on calls coming in through the SPA3102.  Phone only shows the User id of the SPA3102.  How should I configure the SPA9000/SPA3102 to view caller id?
  4. When originating call, the called outside number is not stored in the redial list, only the SPA3102's User id.  Is there a way to have the SPA3102 work as an SPA400?
  5. When receiving outside calls, through the SPA3102, the phones ring according to the programmed Hunt Group, but only four rings before it is forwarded to the aa.  I have changed the time on Cfwd No Answ Delay to 120, but no change.  To avoid problem, I have erased the cfwd=aa istruction from the contact list.
  6. Cannot apply timer to SPA962 LCD backlight.  I have followed instructions to apply timer on light but the phone will not take it after pressing save.  Is there another way to force the light to turn off?  It is too annoying to have it on at night, especially if there are two of these terminals?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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