Hi everyone - I'd really appreciate your help. We currently have a UC520. We're a small consulting business in Scotland, around 4/5 phones in the office, one for me remotely. We have recently upgraded our broadband and as the UC520 product is now a little older, it's not really up for the task as our main router, VPN server, etc.
Ideally, I'd like to continue to use the UC on our network, it's a good all round product with everything we need, no license issues either. I'd like to just be able to give it an IP and plug it in to our network like you would with a Cisco CallManager Express device, or other IP PBX. We love Cisco phones, so easy to use for the staff, ultra reliable and just all round great, I would be very sad to see them go.
I have looked on many forums, found a few threads with people doing what I look to do but I've followed their instructions and had no avail. I'll give you a bit of background:
At the moment, the UC520 is working standalone, it doesn't have an internet connection, the phones are just plugged in to it's switch ports.
Our network is for data, I don't have a VLAN set up for voice yet, but I will. Let's say it'll be, or something like that.
Our current network is ran off of a DrayTek Vigor 2860, this is soon to be replaced by a Ubiquiti UniFi USG and their switches and APs. I can setup DHCP options, routing both on the DrayTek before it's replaced with the USG, and the same with that.
I would really appreciate it if anyone has any guidance or assistance on the matter, I am not Cisco qualified, but I have been running the IT for the family business for a long time, I have a pretty good all round knowledge of networks, but there's always one little thing one can forget!
Thanks in advance. If you have any more questions or stuff I've missed, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.