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UC560 Freezing UP, phones say connecting...

Level 1
Level 1


I have two customers now that have UC560's connected to SG300 switches with the latest firmware on switches and UC560's.  SPA phones on the systems.  For some reason the system just freezes and the phones say connecting.  One UC has been in for about 1 year but the other has been in for 1 week.  No crash logs nothing, I am thinking maybe a port on the switch locks up but I have tried different switch ports.  This is the second UC560 doing this so this is not good.  Does anyone have a similar experience?  What is the fix?

7 Replies 7

Naum Vitanovski
Level 1
Level 1

I think I had a simillar problem

On the swithces make sure you setup auto voice vlan to enable through the web interface.

Rename the Voice VLAN to CISCO-VOICE on the swicthes, you can do this through CCA.

Then through CLI login on the uc560 and do a "show flash":, and go through list of files and see if there is a vlan.dat file.

if this file does not exist you have to manually create the voice vlan on the uc.

I guy from cisco support did all this. I don't remember more details. Otherwise call cisco support and they can help you.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the tip, I have changed VLAN 100 on all switches to Cisco-Voice.  Let's see if it works.  If anybody else has any tips, they would be greatly appreciated.


Brett Walters
Level 1
Level 1

What software pack and VM version are your UC560's running? What phones are in use (SPA model)? If you are pushing firmware to phones, depending on current version, there is an interim version you need to update to first.  If you are even doing that.  When we moved SPA509G phones from 7.4.2b or something like that to 7.5.2b we found out the hard way that there is a 7.5.2 or 7.5.1 interim step that has to be upgraded to first.  Our own mistake, and it wasn't catastrophic - just a pain to remove tha firmware, upload the right one and reboot the phones, May not even apply to you.  Also the UC560 has specific issues with CUE database filling up even though messages are deleted that is mostly or partly resolved with 8.6.3 upgrade recently posted.  I understand it is not *fully* resolving the issue though and only affects the UC560's.


I have updated the UC on Monday to the latest software pack, 8.6.0.

We are running all SPA504G phones, they were 7.4.2, and the update took them to 7.4.9c I believe.  The phones work fine, sound quality, and all features.  They only have problems when the UC hangs, Obviously this is when they just stay on connecting.  After power cycle of the UC, then everything works like a charm.

The problem started when we went live, during configuration of the system, it never froze, we went live with calls on Thursday, and the first time it froze was friday morning, Then Friday afternoon.  I upgraded the system Friday night, then it Froze again on Tuesday end of day.  We are using a PRI for calls, no anolog except the fax lines throug the fxs ports.

I have attached the running config via txt file for your review.  It is before the upgrade so it shows the older IOS but nothing on the config has been changed since.


Are you able to access via CLI or CCA when it hangs?  Or do you mean the entire system goes inert?  No calls in/out or any other operation during that freeze?


I was there physically once when it hung, I was not able to ping or telnet to it.  Unfortunatly since it is at a customer site, they need it up right away so they reboot it.

Im pretty sure that the system freezes completely becuase PC's that are connected to the switch still have access to the servers and internet so I think the switch is fine.

I am going to attach a laptop to it with a console cable and have the customer call me as soon as it hangs, this way I can remote into the PC and see if I can console into the UC, maybe it's an issue with the port that connects to the switches.  I will let you know, in the meantime if there is any other idea's, I am all ears.

Thank you,

Found the problem, something simple that I have never seen causes a router crash.  A duplex mismatch on G0/0 was causing the crashes.