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Why don't my Cisco SPA504G's ask for spa504G.cfg from tftp server?

Level 1
Level 1


I am installing Asterisk at our site in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. I have a dozen or so SPA504G's (brand new) that are pre-loaded with 7.4.8a firmware. I have tftp set up to direct their tftp server to my Asterisk server which runs TFTP.

What I'm seeing on Wireshark is the phones requesting:

1. SEP<Macaddress>.cnf.xml

2. XMLDefault504G.cnf.xml

3. XMLDefault.cnf.xml

then it repeats one time, and evidently gives up.

It doesn't ask for the files documented in the Cisco Document

Configuring Cisco SPA5xx IP Telephones in an Asterisk® Environment:

Zero-Touch Installation

I use (at other sites) a 3-file zero touch configuration that works well, and am trying to duplicate it here:




Updating firmware by web UI to 7.4.9c did not make any difference.

spa504G.cfg looks like this:


<Profile_Rule ua="na">tftp://$PSN-GENERIC.xml</Profile_Rule>

<Resync_Periodic ua="na">50</Resync_Periodic>

<Upgrade_Enable group="Provisioning/Firmware_Upgrade">Yes</Upgrade_Enable>

<Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay group="Provisioning/Firmware_Upgrade">120</Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay>

<Upgrade_Rule group="Provisioning/Firmware_Upgrade">tftp://</Upgrade_Rule>


spa-504G-GENERIC.xml is:


<Profile_Rule group="Provisioning/Configuration_Profile">/spa$PSN-GENERIC.xml</Profile_Rule>

<Profile_Rule_B group="Provisioning/Configuration_Profile">/spa$PSN-$MA.cnf.xml</Profile_Rule_B>

<Resync_Periodic group="Provisioning/Configuration_Profile">7200</Resync_Periodic>

<Voice_Mail_Number group="Phone/General">1000</Voice_Mail_Number>

<Operational_VLAN_ID group="Info/Phone_Status">2</Operational_VLAN_ID>

<Enable_VLAN group="System/VLAN_Settings">Yes</Enable_VLAN>

<Enable_CDP group="System/VLAN_Settings">Yes</Enable_CDP>

<VLAN_ID group="System/VLAN_Settings">2</VLAN_ID>

<PC_Port_VLAN_Highest_Priority group="System/VLAN_Settings">No Limit</PC_Port_VLAN_Highest_Priority>

<Enable_PC_Port_VLAN_Tagging group="System/VLAN_Settings">Yes</Enable_PC_Port_VLAN_Tagging>

<PC_Port_VLAN_ID group="System/VLAN_Settings">1</PC_Port_VLAN_ID>

<Dial_Plan_1_ group="Ext_1/Dial_Plan">



<Dial_Plan_2_ group="Ext_2/Dial_Plan">



<Dial_Plan_3_ group="Ext_3/Dial_Plan">



<Dial_Plan_4_ group="Ext_4/Dial_Plan">



<Server_Type group="Attendant_Console/General">Asterisk</Server_Type>

<Attendant_Console_Call_Pickup_Code group="Attendant_Console/General">*8#</Attendant_Console_Call_Pickup_Code>


Any ideas here? I can post wireshark files if desired.

Many Thanks

Cassius Smith

1 Reply 1

Patrick Born
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Cassius,

Some things to look at:

1. Make sure that your DHCP server is offering OPTION 66, 150, 159, or 160 in the DHCP OFFER in response to the phones' DHCP DISCOVER. The phones will not request a SIP configuration file if it does not have a suitable target to make the request.

2. Make sure that your DHCP server is on the correct VLAN, I see that you've enabled CDP and also VLAN 2.

3. Factory default the phones to make sure that they are in SIP mode. They will automatically switch to SPCP mode if they receive any responses to the 3 files you're seeing requested in your Wireshark trace.

Good luck, you're very close to getting it working.




   Patrick Born | Technical Marketing Engineer (TME) – SPA SIP Endpoints
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