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Few questions about UC540/560 configuration with CCA

Level 1
Level 1


I have been using mostly CLI to configure UC520 in the past, and now, am trying to make things work the way they did with CLI on UC540 using CCA only.

I have read a few threads, but didn't find all the informations I was looking for, so maybe you guys could help me out.

First, from what I read, I need to use CLI to get my VPN tunnel working between a UC540 and a PIX515? This is of course, just a data tunnel, but is there a way to configure this in CCA? Also, does that tunnel counts in the 5 tunnels max support UC540 have?

Secondly, I have a tunnel between two UC540 setup and it is working. I use 73xxx to call extensions on Site B from A and 71xxx from A to B. Now, I used to be able to configure the AA so that if from Site A I would dial 71xxx, it would use the tunnel and call the extension on Site B. Is this feasible from CCA?

Also, how do you configure NAT so that you can redirect the same port to the same internal IP but one with TCP and the other one with UDP. Is it not allowing me. Basically I want this :

External IP -> Port -> Internal IP -> Port

X.X.X.X -> Port 53 TCP -> Y.Y.Y.Y -> Port 53 TCP

X.X.X.X -> Port 53 UDP -> Y.Y.Y.Y -> Port 53 UDP

Also, I kind of figured out I did not need to configure a static route anymore if I was using a Static IP connection. Anyway, from CCA, there is no network mask, so unless I use CLI, it seems to not be required anymore. Right?

And finally, Call Forward Busy on users settings doesn't seem to work. It should be pretty straight forward, in the Call Forward Busy I should enter the extension I want to have the call forwarded to and this should be it?

Thank you for your help guys, I am really trying to see how the CCA does things and would love to learn what I am doing wrong...

Have a great day!

10 Replies 10

Level 1
Level 1

Also, to add to my questions, about the current working tunnel between two UC540, if I go under the Multisite Manager, the UC500 Data VLAN IP Address has disapeared. If I enter it again, it is giving me an error message saying the IP is not in the same VLAN IP range and IP will be changed. I press ok, tunnel drops and I need to recreate the tunnel... Anyone else has this?

One more thing from the CLI I had been able to configure the calling rules so that I didn't need to enter any prefix to the extensions and could still do multisite call as long as extensions where not ovelapping (one site was in 3xx and second 4xx).

Is this something that will or won't be supported? It's not a big thing really, but a client already has this kind of setup, and now that we will be upgrading his branch offices from UC520 to 540 and finally upgrading his old Nortel system at main office to a UC560, multisite extensions will change a bit if we have to add prefix...

Thank you once again!


I know there is a few questions in there, should I address them all to TAC?


I would try to answer to some of your questions.

1. For NAT in the nat window when you select the interface choose add rule then click on the application and select other(TCP) enter the internal ip address and internal port 53 then external port 53.

After this do the same again but this time select from the "Application" drop down menu "other(UDP)".

2. The tunnel counts for the VPN max tunnels support.

3. You can configure EZVPN server and connect the PIX. Use Configure > Security > VPN.

4. Call Forward Busy is working fine you should not have any problems with it.

Always use the apply button.

If CLI Postview is enabled (see the Advanced tab in the Preferences dialog), the

configuration commands sent to the UC500 or SR500 are displayed in a pop-up


Best regards,


*Please rate helpful posts.

I would also point some useful information:

CCA 3.2 Admin guide:

SBCS Feature guide:

The current version of the CCA is 3.2 and the software pack is 8.2.

Best regards,


I forgot to mention about the AA  -Yes you can do this in CCA you can do it in different ways. One is to make floating extension on one site and forward it directly to the other 71xxx.

Best regards,


Ok I think I need to clean things up a bit :

1-Data only VPN -> I saw that this is now supported by CCA 3.2. Case closed on this (but still have a problem with the VPN configs).

2-Make outside call to Site A and be able to dial Site B extension -> solved by Alexander's solution of floating extensions

3-NAT two ports -> bug fixed in CCA 3.2 it seems

4-Static Route for -> still a problem in CCA 3.2, where is the Network Mask ?

5-Call Forward -> Still not working what am I doing wrong here???


ephone-dn  294  dual-line

number 225 no-reg primary

label 225

description Mathieu

name Mathieu Dube

call-forward busy 235

call-forward noan 299 timeout 20


I think it is configured properly, yet, when I'm on a call, the second one will keep ringing and not being transfered to 235 (a collegue's extension)

6-VPN Tunnels config interface not working properly :

If I open up Multi-site manager, I get the following (but IT IS working)

Then if I cancel, edit, exit, no matter what I do, I get the following

So settings are lost, and I have to go back to configure the tunnels again. So I'm stuck if I want to add new tunnels, only thing I can do is flush everything, and then created all tunnels at once. If I open up the Site Manager later, I loose all the data.

7- About point 2 (floating extensions) would it be possible to have all 4xx extensions simply redirected to Site B instead of having to create floating extensions for each user at Site B on Site A UC...?


The Call Forward Busy is not sending to your colleague because you have two lines for this number the second line will ring (call waiting)as if you are not answering it. Then after 20 seconds will do Call Forward No Answer to 299.

You can try this for the number -> Ring Parameters tab -> Huntstop channel -> enable. This way you will not have call waiting and the caller will be forwarded because you will use only one line from your dualline for ringing and the second call will use Call Forward Busy.

Best regards,


Thanks Alexandre, Call Busy is now working!!!

Now I am left with the following issues :

1-Static Route for -> still a problem in CCA 3.2, where is the Network Mask ?

2-VPN Tunnels config interface not working properly :

If I open up Multi-site manager, I get the following (but IT IS working)

Then if I cancel, edit, exit, no matter what I do, I get the following

So settings are lost, and I have to go back to configure the tunnels again. So I'm stuck if I want to add new tunnels, only thing I can do is flush everything, and then created all tunnels at once. If I open up the Site Manager later, I loose all the data.

3- About point 2 (floating extensions) would it be possible to have all 4xx extensions simply redirected to Site B instead of having to create floating extensions for each user at Site B on Site A UC...?


You can set the default route on your WAN port in CCA. If you go Configure>Routing >Interent connection> Choose WAN interface click modify there under connection setting choose Static IP and enter the Default gateway this will set ip route to this gateway you have set up there. You can select this only on your WAN connection otherwise you need to enter it through CLI.

Best regards,


Two things left!

1-VPN Tunnels config interface not working properly :

If I open up Multi-site manager, I get the following (but IT IS working)

Then if I cancel, edit, exit, no matter what I do, I get the following

So settings are lost, and I have to go back to configure the tunnels again. So I'm stuck if I want to add new tunnels, only thing I can do is flush everything, and then created all tunnels at once. If I open up the Site Manager later, I loose all the data.

2- About (floating extensions) would it be possible to have all 4xx extensions simply redirected to Site B instead of having to create floating extensions for each user at Site B on Site A UC...?