I have configured ASA VPN with anyconnect and posture with ISE.
The anyconnect client and config will be preinstall on PC (no self download or install with msi)
I am confused with the different package and profiles that must be upload on ISE and ASA (redundant ?)
I have configured the client provisionning on ISE, and I have uploaded the Anyconnect pkg, the compliance module, the Anyconnect profile and ISEposture profile.
Do I also need to put all that same files into the ASA disk ?
I have the Anyconnect pkg on the ASA (under Anyconnect Client software in asdm) and the Anyconnect profile (under Anyconnect client profile in asdm)
Should I add ISE posture and compliance module ?
In case of an upgrade of Anyconnect and compliance module : Do I need to upload the files in ISE client provisioning and ASA ?
Are the files downloaded from ASA or ISE during update of the client ?
Best regards