Ok, I have a interesting situation going on here. We have multiple profiles established on our ASA for remote user vpn connectivity. Lets focus on 2 of them now. We have one (conveniently called anyconnect) that is for the general population of our users to use. This servers as normal everyday day to day connectivity for the users. We have another profile Eng-VPN that is for only select users, as it has access to a business critical applications only, and blocks access to other "normal" connections. The anyconnect profile does not have access to the business critical application.
So here is the specifics: When I connect to the Eng-VPN and run pings to the business critical applications (, and in this case) they all ping/respond in the same pattern at the same time. They will generally (again all 3 at the same time) ping for 6 consecutive pings, drop for 4-5 pings. All 3 at the exact same time. This pattern is pretty consistent, but in the course of my testing/research sometimes it does ping for 30 min + consecutively. One thing to note is that and are connected via VM's to our core switch (next hop off of the ASA) and the is a physical on a different switch (one further step from the core switch).
If I modify the rules for the Anyconnect profile to allow this connectivity it doesnt drop a ping at all, all pings are good and in working order.
Has anyone ever experienced this or something like this before?
Anyconnect Profile
group-policy companyvpn internal
group-policy companyvpn attributes
wins-server none
dns-server value
vpn-idle-timeout none
vpn-session-timeout 1440
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client ssl-clientless
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value splittunnel
default-domain value company.com
split-dns value company.com
msie-proxy method no-modify
address-pools value vpnpool
anyconnect ssl keepalive 30
ENG-VPN Proflie
group-policy APPLICATION-VPN-GP attributes
wins-server none
dns-server value
vpn-idle-timeout none
vpn-session-timeout 1440
vpn-filter value APPLICATION-Loaction-VPN-Filter
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
split-tunnel-policy tunnelall
default-domain value company.com
split-tunnel-all-dns enable
address-pools value application-vpn-pool