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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

Hello,I've configured a site to site vpn, but I seem to have some problems configuring nat exemption.I've configured nat exemption but ,I also have a static nat for that ip.From what I can figure out the ip is still translated using static nat.Should...

anyconnect vpn client no internet access. Below is configuration. Please help.Thank youJessieASA Version 8.2(1) !hostname ciscoasa5505 !interface Vlan1 nameif inside security-level 100 ip address !interface Vlan2 nameif outsid...

jessie by Level 1
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Hi dears,I have ASA 5555-x and configurated site to site vpn. Now that our side wants to receive multicast messages from the other side. In this case i know that i must  configurate gre tunnel  on router. because asa is not supported gre tunnel.  i h...

Hello-I currently have my 5505 setup for AnyConnect SSL VPN connections.  Is it possible to also configure the 5505 for IPSec VPN connections? So, essentially my ASA will be capable of running SSL and IPSec VPN tunnels, concurrently.Thanks!

Kim Hoang by Level 1
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Below are the configs for the server and remote routers. The VPN tunnel comes up with no issue and the server router can ping the IP it gives the remote router. However, I can't ping anything on the server router's LAN from the remote router or compu...

jasonww04 by Level 1
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Hello,I have a few site-to-site VPNs connecting to my ASA 5520, but one of the remote VPNs is changing it's public IP, how can I change this IP on the ASA without starting again?  On the ADSM it is greyed out so I can't edit it, but can I just change...

I have a Cisco ASA and a 2901 Cisco Router connected via site-to-site VPN.The ASA can ping over the VPN to computers behind the router, but the router can not always ping to computers in the ASA network. When i ping from a computer in the IOS router'...

I'm familiar with setting up Anyconnect on an outside interface but I've been asked to create a new interface that will be used for Anyconnect instead of the OUTSIDE interface.  My problem is that there is only one /28 subnet for our public IPs and I...

My mystake has given the commands no crypto pki server no crypto pki trustpoint CA-nameAfter that  we cannot enroll any router client with the CA server CRAEACA01K#sh crypto pki server Certificate Server PoLCA:    Status: disabled, Storage not acces...

We have a 1921 router that has WebVPN (Any connect) enabled on it as well as IPSEC. When a user logs in using  IPSEC client they stay connected no issue.  IF you connect using Any Connect it will disconnect you after exactly 10 minutes.  Never a seco...

Hello,I have a couple of GRE/IPSEC VPNs between sites.I've run IPERF and seeing really poor bandwidth/transfer speeds. Sometimes as low as 250K. At each end of the VPN tunnel is a 100MB and 50MB link which I know is not saturated. Is there any reason...

GRANT3779 by Spotlight
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I have a Cisco ASA 5520, running 8.2(5)26. When configuring some VPN site to site links, the above check box has become, of it's own nature unticked, and as there are no acl's configured, all of the VPN traffic is dropped.What I need to know is :-1. ...