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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

Hi, I'm having Certificate validation failure while connecting using installed anyconnect-predeploy-linux-64-4.3.05017-k9 in RHEL 6.x 64bit server. Please help. Thanks in advance!

marquerj by Level 1
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Good morning, The users of a Governament Office work in terminal server (Windows server 2012 R2) and, for certain applications, it is necessary to use VPN-Client or Anyconnect. There is a method for creating concurrent sessions with these applicatio...

Hello,I have a quick question for you guys, as I'm not too sure if you can do this. Basically, we are connecting two offices together and need higher bandwidth between the sites over VPN. The main site has a leased line and the remote site has an SDS...

Per bug : CSCus83057 I am now on OSX Yosemite (10.10...) The commands suggested do not work anymore on Yosemite because ipfw is now gone. Is there a new method to apply this?   Right now AnyConnect on my Mac is blocking my VM from network communicati...

Greetings to All, We are running client a VPN using Anyconnect and ASA 5510's and 5520's using IKEv2. We have been told that as of 2/14/2017, Microsoft will no longer support signed certificates with SHA1. Here's what I've done to fix this so far: 1...

Hi, Been trying for a week to make this work, but alas I cannot and so I ask for help. I have two separate IKEv1 tunnels setup between our hub  ASA 5509 and two different AWS VPCs in different regions. The goal is to have the two VPCs route between...

bighiller by Level 1
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