We have an ASA5520 configured with a IPSec VPN, from any ADSL home/office our VPN clients can connect without any problem, but when we use our cellular phones in tetering mode (as an accesspoint) our VPN clients are impossible to connect. Same machines,same software, same operating system, same remote IP (ASA5520 external IP) only change Wifi connection (ADSL to cellular phone). The signal of cellular phones is not the problem we was doing the tests with different phones (IPHONE & ANDROID), different locations (all in spain) and differents providers (vodafone, orange and movistar) of internet by cellular phone.
We think that perhaps the problem is the licenses that our ASA5520 has... ¿Is our problem that our ASA do not have a license for this?
Our ASA5520 comes with this licenses:
Licensed features for this platform:
Maximum Physical Interfaces : Unlimited perpetual
Maximum VLANs : 150 perpetual
Inside Hosts : Unlimited perpetual
Failover : Active/Active perpetual
VPN-DES : Enabled perpetual
VPN-3DES-AES : Enabled perpetual
Security Contexts : 2 perpetual
GTP/GPRS : Disabled perpetual
AnyConnect Premium Peers : 2 perpetual
AnyConnect Essentials : Disabled perpetual
Other VPN Peers : 750 perpetual
Total VPN Peers : 750 perpetual
Shared License : Disabled perpetual
AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled perpetual
AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled perpetual
Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled perpetual
UC Phone Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual
Total UC Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual
Botnet Traffic Filter : Disabled perpetual
Intercompany Media Engine : Disabled perpetual
This platform has an ASA 5520 VPN Plus license.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks for your response!
Best Regards!