Some details about the issue.
I'm trying to connect to my client's network using VPN Client version The user authetication is done by providing RSA SecureID token value. After entering proper credentials, the client window gets struck at 'Securing Communication Channels...' message in status bar and reports 'Reason 442: Failed to Enable Virtual Adapter' error after few mintues. I have confirmed that this version works for other people in my team , so I'm guessing it has something to do with my system settings than the client itself.
Below are the trobleshooting tips that I have already tried.
1. Uninstall and Reinstall the client.
2. Enable WinXP SP2 compatability for ipsecdialer.exe and vpngui.exe.
3. Clicking 'Diagnose' on the Citrix Virtaul Adapter connection in Networks and Sharing centre, reports no issues.
4. Enabling Network sharing for Local Area Network and disaling Wireless Networks
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit Enterpise OS.
Appreciate any suggestions to resolve this issue.
Update: 9/7/2011
OK, things look much better after a good vacation, always!!!
I tried to connect today by reinstalling the client after a weekend shutdown (I don't believe the cold reboot stuff, but hey, worth a try! ) and it did work. The only change I did today was to disable the Wireless Connection adapter in Networks Connections. I'm not sure whether that fixed or not cause I had tried that already. Anyway, below is my current configuration which is working for now!
1. Below executables are running in the XP compatability mode.
cvpnd.exe, VAInst64.exe, vpngui.exe
2. Local Area Connection is allowed for 'Sharing'
3. Registry is updated with below entry.
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /v ArpRetryCount /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
4. Wireless Connection is disabled.
Thank you all for the responses.