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Regular Meeting Ended - Still getting People Logging In

Level 1
Level 1

First I could find any easy way to just end my daily meeting, so I put an end date. However, students are still able to log in and I get several email a week saying students are waiting in my room. Is there a way to automatically redirect them to the new meeting room? Is there at least a way to put up some kind of message saying they've reached an obsolete meeting and giving them the new link???

10 Replies 10

Level 1
Level 1

If you're using a video conferencing platform, you can end the meeting for all participants or lock the meeting to prevent new participants from joining. Alternatively, you can create a new meeting and share the link with your students. You can also leave a message in the old meeting room directing them to the new link or set up an auto-redirect to the new meeting room.

Of course I've done all this. I would think it would be possible to make a meeting Cease to Exist and have a message immediately visible that says, NOPE - No Such Meeting.

But thanks, I guess.

Kathy N.

@Phloda, while you get a message that attendees are waiting in your lobby, they are not actually entering your room unless you have it set that anyone with a host account can start the meeting.  If they have the link stored on their device, there is no way to update the link for them or redirect them or put a message on the link letting them know it's not available.  The message the attendees see depends on how you scheduled the meeting though. 


It would be helpful to know how you scheduled the meeting.  Since you mention students, are you using an education connector with a learning management system or did you schedule the meeting with the Webex Portal or Webex app?

Response Signature

The first thing they see is "OBSOLETE" along with the URL that will get them to the current meeting site. I wish there was a way to make it cleazr that there is "No Such Meeting" anymore and not even allow them to get to the virtual. front door. I set up the meeting in the first place via my school's (Lone Star College) enterprise site via my personal log in.


Hi Phloda,

It is good practice to put an end date on your meetings.  So to ensure that people are not coming back to what is supposed to be a expired meeting set your to and from date and time for the meeting link

Yeah, I tried that first. But they see the link for the meeting around and still show up. But thanks!



Could you provide a little more information on your setup?

1.  Are you using your personal room?
2.  Are you using Outlook to setup the meeting? 

Not my personal room. It's a recurring meeting I set up a couple of years ago. Because of a change in my responsibilities, I am no linger associated with it. Ideally I could have transferred ownership of the meeting to someone else but I couldn't find a way to do that. That would be a useful feature.

As it stands now, if someone has the link, even though the recurring meeting ENDED in April, the can still arrive at the front door of my meeting. Since most visitors appear to be incapable of, you know, READING, they'll often linger until they get sick of waiting.

I wish there was a way to make it clear that there is "No Such Meeting" anymore and not even allow them to get to the virtual. front door.



Unfortunately you can't transfer a meeting to another person.  If this was setup as a reoccurring meeting that would explain why students can still get to the link.  If the meeting is not longer needed, if you cancel the meeting invite it will prevent anyone form getting to the link because it will not exist. 


Hope this help.

So how do you cancel it? It's not on my calendar anymore.