Hello, I am working on identifying conference rooms using Embedded APP.
Until recently, Embedded App SDK - IDs(instanceId and id) were issued the same to all users. It was the same for both internal and external users. However, this seems to have changed recently. In particular, the instanceId value issued to internal and external users has changed, and I do not know why.
According to the documentation, instanceId is guaranteed to have the same value for the same meeting that started at the same time.
-(in Docs)
Derived meeting id. Meeting instance ID. Contains a globally unique ID for the meeting instance in which the app is running. The difference between webex.application.meeting.id and webex.application.meeting.instanceId is that meeting. id will contain the same value each time the meeting is started (the ID of the scheduled meeting), but meeting.instanceId will be unique each time the scheduled meeting is started. Its value is guaranteed to be consistent for all application users regardless of whether or not the app has access to the user's personally identifying information (PII).
However, if you check the actual instanceId contents, you can see that the value format is different. The two instanceIds are as follows.
- instanceId issued by external user: ae72af99-cc3d-5123-8673-204312825805
- instanceId issued by internal user: d3b046cd023543449a2cfe2b905176cb_I_616458172630142732
Has the specification of IWebexAppsMeetingState in the Webex Embedded SDK changed? If so, please tell me how to unify this or how to obtain alternative values.
For reference, I'm using app.context.getMeeting().instanceId.