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Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

With the recent release of the noise removal feature in Webex, we want to hear how YOU are using it! 

In less than 50 words, respond to this post sharing how the noise removal feature is helping you stay focused or saving you from any embarrassing moments. By responding to this post, you will be entered into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 headset! This post will stay active for the entire month of March. We will randomly select a winner and reach out to them directly in the first week of April. 

As a part of Webex's mission to make the meeting experience 10x better, the noise removal feature filters out any distracting noises with the click of a button. Using our advanced audio processing technology, your focus in a meeting won't be compromised by the harsh sound of garbage trucks, whistling air conditioners, or even your neighbor's blaring music. There are numerous occasions this feature can work for YOU.


If you haven't had the chance to use the noise removal feature, check out these links to help get you started and download the Quick Start Guide attached


Respond to this post and share how you are using the noise removal feature! Your response will enter you into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 Headset! 

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The noise cancelling feature is very important when working from home. I need to block out everything from the dog barking to lawnmower engines. 

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Noise removal works really well since I am WFH these days.  It cancels out the sound of my dog when she decides to randomly bark during a meeting.

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What version of on prem do you need for this

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I have this functionality through other software, but it's a pain to get it working for my other applications and it's tough to dial in. With Webex, it just works and you don't have to know the nuclear launch codes or calibrate noise gates or isolate different frequencies. I just wish windows had a built in solution. 

Thankyou for coming out with this feature before AC season starts up again. Nothing drives me as crazy as when someone in my meeting sounds like they're on an airport runway.  

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I really enjoy knowing that a random barking session from my pets(due to deliveries) will not interrupt my interactions at work.  Also, I appreciate not having to worry about a co-worker's keyboard, social media alerts, etc distracting from our discussions, not everyone remembers to mute when they are not speaking.

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I stumbled upon this setting a few weeks ago and immediately set it for all of my meetings. I teach college courses remotely, from my home where there is a very vocal Maltese-Yorkie, who is always commenting on anything and everything! With Noise Removal turned on, my students are not bothered by his vocals! And living in a high traffic area near a hospital, the outside noise can be distracting - enter Noise Removal and I can stop apologizing for the distracting sirens and traffic noises.

I have also shown my students how to turn this feature on so that when they are interacting vocally, their background noises do not become the center of everyone's attention.

Thank-you for this great feature.

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The feature has help in many ways.

Presentation are more clearer with less distractions. It has made it easier to identify speaker  and many people are speaking at a time. 

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I wish I had known about this feature when I had a personal video call. This information would be great to share with colleagues. Thank you.

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Being a lecturer where I need to continuously conduct classes online, it is essential to hear all the question and feedback from my students without being distracted from surrounding noises. With the noise cancelling feature it helps me to concentration on giving my best during my lectures and webinars.

I love the noise removal feaure!! Working from home is awesome – mostly. In a shared flat with two guys who love to play video games it was sometimes funny for my work colleagues. They have been quite amused sometimes from things “overheard”. Now these embarrassing moments are over.

Thanks for this noise removal update.

It keeps clear to listener to capture correct figure of pointing the correct sentences or words and it most helpful for home user surrounding and internal noise creating people, home usage appliances and vehicles etc.  

We updated this future to friends they will also embarrassed.


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Working from a single story house, I find such a tool really useful.  My home is one level and is quite open (Yes, when we bought it, we knew not that COVID-19 was coming to change the world).  In fact, now that I think about it, this feature will be handy when I go back to work at my office at a co-working space where background noise can sometimes be a distraction.  Thank you, Cisco for never giving up innovating.

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This is awesome! Thanks for adding this! I've been using Krisp (free version) to try to quiet background noises and was wishing you guys would implement a built-in system for this! Thanks!

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I work in a basement office, and it gets cold in the winter, so I use a small, noisy, space heater.


When I'm in a meeting, noise-cancelling headsets only block out the noise for me, but everyone else in the Webex meeting could hear it.


Complicating things: I use a buckling-spring mechanical keyboard, and it's so noisy I've been asked not to use it during meetings.


But after enabling the Remove background noise checkbox, nobody hears my heater or my keyboard.  Great feature!

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This feature works great for that inevitable delivery or doorbell ring that starts the dogs barking in the middle of an important meeting

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