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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Linguists, over the past 50 years, have found strong relationship between bilingualism or multilingualism and intelligence. The benefits range from professional to cultural - improved problem solving, decision making and more importantly opening more opportunities. Imagine the personalization and cognitive flexibility one can use to build better relationships in today’s globally connected workspace. Speaking of connectivity, every business is (or will be soon) thinking about Mobility and Internet of Things (IoT) to support this growing civilization of multilingual people as well as multilingual things in their network. Research data shows that Enterprise IoT initiatives are not only on a rise but also central to every CIO's IT strategy.

Similar to the human world the IoT world is made up to devices that talk multiple languages supported by multiple radio technologies. Anticipating that these IoT-optimized technologies to continue to exist, Enterprises looking for ways to build a scalable access layer to not only connect ever increasing ‘things’ in the network but also capture new insights in a more secure way without redundant overlay networks.

In this drive for intelligence and digitization that spans multiple domains, IT functions in today’s Enterprises are being reshaped to connect more with higher efficiency and enable new latency sensitive services and real-time applications. It’s no surprise that Enterprise Wi-Fi is the lifeblood of many of these organizations. Wi-Fi 6, the new Wi-Fi standard that incorporates critical cellular like determinism, is engineered with efficiency as a goal. Enhanced support for 2.4Ghz, along with OFDMA and Target Wake Time (TWT), makes Wi-Fi 6 ideal for massive scale IoT deployments. IT can now manage more IoT devices, minimizing overlay networks. Besides providing advanced Wi-Fi capabilities, Cisco is pushing the bounds of the standard with custom RF ASIC (Cisco RF ASIC) and Intelligence for Network Analytics.


The Cisco Catalyst 9100 series, with Wi-Fi 6 and Cisco RF ASIC, are built for IoT, allows your network to speak the language of business with multi-RF capabilities (Wi-Fi, BLE, Zigbee, Thread), and IoT application hosting. Besides opening up new avenues in a multilingual device world supporting high-bandwidth immersive applications such as AR/VR, HD imaging, etc across verticals ranging from Universities to Retail to Medical Diagnostics and to Manufacturing, Cisco Wi-Fi 6 can accelerate business transformation bridging more devices and users to more data fueling machine learning based digital growth. The benefits as one might imagine are multi-fold, but focusing on a few here:

  • Deep RF analytics, and Packet inspection - Enable dynamic optimization of the channels and providing enhanced network visibility and assurance supported by Cisco DNA Assurance. Hardware based on-boarding anomaly and in-service anomaly detection along with Live Client and VIP Client troubleshooting extend on-demand AP insights and give finer coverage hole analysis as well as channel utilization metrics.AP_IOTSecurity.png
  • RF Signature Capture - Provide critical information about interferers and detect impersonators that are becoming more common in today’s IoT world. The standard MAC, DHCP and HTTPS signatures are easy to imitate but not RF signature! With increasing BYOD and OT integration, IT can use much needed contextual RF information for tighter device classification and segmentation of Wi-Fi and non-Wi-Fi devices.
  • Radio Resource Management (RRM) - Non-disruptive service to latency sensitive clients even in high-density environment instead of going off-channel while improving real-time applications such as voice call. Don't forget the added benefit of advanced RRM algorithms and Cisco CleanAir that facilitate better spatial re-use and Quality of Experience KPIs
  • Dual Filter DFS – Provide reliable governance of precious Wireless spectrum. This capability improves accuracy in radar detection and near zero false detections (going from 1000 per day to 1) in combination. These custom algorithms can help reclaim some of that precious spectrum and minimize false positives effortlessly.

Best yet, these access points architectural benefits of Cisco’s software defined access delivering IoT segmentation and line of business insights with Cisco DNA Spaces. Now, by digitizing things and spaces, think how every Enterprise can use intelligence from every edge of the network to optimize the end user's experience. By the way, this has been already been enabled by Wi-Fi Optimization for iOS, Fast lane and Wi-Fi Analytics for iOS. We are working on ways to extend this improved wireless performance across devices and over an entire corporate network.

Cisco’s New Wireless Stack powered by Wi-Fi 6 – is a secure bridge to this world of new possibilities with machine-centric intelligence and greater efficiencies. Built on the principles of Cisco’s IBN architecture, the Cisco Wireless Stack, comprising of C9100 and C9800, is a key foundation element of Cisco’s IBN architecture for a mobile first world. Akin to cognitive flexibility that a multilingual enjoys, the stack with multi-RF capabilities provides deep analytics and operational flexibility.

Every network manager and developer of leading-edge technologies that strive to provide high-quality user experience now is the time to be looking at Cisco’s next gen wireless stack with Wi-Fi 6. For more information check out -

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