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Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This Document shows us how to add the aIOS AP on to any NMS device what we have - WCS/NCS/PI

Config on the AP


1>> Configure the Community on the AP with the Community Name With Read/Write (RW) permission

2>> Configure the SNMP host IP address with the community name

Here are the command for the same on the AP..

ap(config)#do sh run | i snmp
snmp-server community <community name> <access level - ro/rw>
snmp-server host <NCS/PI/WCS IP addr> <Community name>


ap(config)#do sh run | i snmp
snmp-server community maibpi RW
snmp-server host maibpi

Config on the PI/NCS/WCS


1>> From the NCS GUI Go to COnfigure >> Access Points

2>> From the Drop Down, Select ADD Autonomoous AP

3>> Fill in the details and hit on ADD

4>> If Added Details are correct then this is how we see on ther PI GUI...

5>> If we click on the AP this is how it looks



>> Just in case if we are failing to add APs,

1>> Make sure the config on the AP is correct and pointring to the right Community and the PI address

2>> Telnet / SSH credentials should be set same on both the AP and the NCS

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