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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The MAC address of the bridge is not added to the MAC filter list. When this issue occurs the date time [ERROR] spam_lrad.c 4451: LWAPP Join-Request AUTH_STRING_PAYLOAD, invalid BRIDGE key hash AP 00:00:00:00:00:00 error message appears.


Add the MAC address of the bridge to the MAC filter list. In order to do this, choose Security > Mac Filter. With the invalid BRIDGE key hash error, set the bridge shared secret back to the default through the GUI, or use the config network bridged-shared-secret command in order to clear this error in addition to the config network allow-old-bridge-aps disable command line interface (CLI) command. None of these commands affect the other access points (APs) in the network, if present. Also, if no bridge key is entered, or is the bridge MAC addresses in either the MAC filter or AP authorization list, this configuration does not work.

Add the Access Point MAC Addresses to the Controller Filter List

Refer to the Adding Access Point MAC Addresses to the Controller Filter List section of Cisco Aironet 1500 Series Lightweight Outdoor Mesh Access Point Mounting Instructions for information on the configuration of the AP MAC addresses in the controller list.

Controller MAC Filter List

Before the APs are activated, ensure that the access point MAC address is added to the controller MAC filter list. In order to view the MAC addresses that are added to the controller MAC filter list, use the controller CLI or the controller GUI:

  • Use the show macfilter summary controller CLI command in order to use the controller CLI to view the MAC addresses that are added to the controller filter list.
  • Log into the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) web interface of the controller from a web browser, and choose Security > MAC Filters in order to use the controller GUI to view the MAC addresses that are added to the controller filter list.

Refer to Wireless LAN Controller Mesh Network Configuration Example for more information on Mesh AP Deployment. Issue the config network bridging-shared-secret command in order to add the shared secret key:

(Cisco Controller) >config network bridging-shared-secret Cisco

Problem Type

Client / Device cannot authenticate

Error message


Access point

Wireless LAN Controllers

Mesh Access Point 1500

Security Options


SW Features

Lightwieght Access Point Protocol (LWAPP)

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