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Community Member

Hello everone

i'm a new is cisco, i have a Ironet AP 1142N, and have some trouble with this, because i don't have much experience with cisco.

well i need to setup this with the next config:

need 2 SSID, one SSID Called ServiceRoom and other called Visitors, the ssid called visitor only with internet access and the ssid ServiceRoom access to internet and other net resources.

need 3 vlan , vlan 10 to ServiceRoom, vlan 20 to visitor and vlan 30 only for administration.

the ssid called visitor assign ips for DHCP with the range, and deny the next ip range:,,,,,

the two SSID need encryption wep 40bits.

use both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands if the clients support it, depending on radio signal, etc.

note: sorry for my english xD

Thanks a lot

Best regards

Community Member

ok, i'm back.

this is my config but i have a problem, the two SSID is created and show me but i can't connect , when he ask me a password don't connect.

this is my actual config.

somebody can help me and say me what is wrong with my config, please


Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2900 bytes


version 12.4

no service pad

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

service password-encryption


hostname AP0001


enable secret 5 $1$9NC3$xBq9q.3vbURZFD2G2LlPQ/


no aaa new-model



dot11 syslog


dot11 ssid AP_ServiceRoom

   vlan 10

   authentication open

   mbssid guest-mode


dot11 ssid AP_Visitors

   vlan 20

   authentication open

   mbssid guest-mode




username Cisco password 7 112A1016141D



bridge irb



interface Dot11Radio0

no ip address

no ip route-cache


encryption vlan 10 key 1 size 40bit 7 8D0678EA90D3 transmit-key

encryption vlan 10 mode wep mandatory


encryption vlan 20 key 1 size 40bit 7 CA374880ECD8 transmit-key

encryption vlan 20 mode wep mandatory


ssid AP_ServiceRoom


ssid AP_Visitors


antenna gain 0


station-role root

bridge-group 1

bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source

no bridge-group 1 source-learning

no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding

bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled


interface Dot11Radio0.10

encapsulation dot1Q 10

no ip route-cache

bridge-group 10

bridge-group 10 subscriber-loop-control

bridge-group 10 block-unknown-source

no bridge-group 10 source-learning

no bridge-group 10 unicast-flooding

bridge-group 10 spanning-disabled


interface Dot11Radio0.20

encapsulation dot1Q 20

ip address

ip access-group visitors in

ip helper-address

no ip redirects

no ip unreachables

no ip route-cache

bridge-group 20

bridge-group 20 subscriber-loop-control

bridge-group 20 block-unknown-source

no bridge-group 20 source-learning

no bridge-group 20 unicast-flooding

bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled


interface Dot11Radio1

no ip address

no ip route-cache


antenna gain 0

dfs band 3 block

channel dfs

station-role root

bridge-group 1

bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source

no bridge-group 1 source-learning

no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding

bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled


interface Dot11Radio1.20

encapsulation dot1Q 20

no ip route-cache

bridge-group 20

bridge-group 20 subscriber-loop-control

bridge-group 20 block-unknown-source

no bridge-group 20 source-learning

no bridge-group 20 unicast-flooding

bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled


interface GigabitEthernet0

no ip address

no ip route-cache

duplex auto

speed auto

no keepalive

bridge-group 1

no bridge-group 1 source-learning

bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled


interface GigabitEthernet0.20

encapsulation dot1Q 20

no ip route-cache

bridge-group 20

no bridge-group 20 source-learning

bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled


interface BVI1

ip address

no ip route-cache


ip http server

no ip http secure-server

ip http help-path

bridge 1 route ip




line con 0

line vty 0 4

login local



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