Ok, im using RV320, SG200-50, and 2xWAP320's, I'm trying to use captive portal on VAP2 ONLY (guest wifi) The IP will get passed to the guest device but will never go to the auth page HOWEVER if i use the VAP1 and set the instance association it works on vap1, Sooo what am I doing wrong. Ive heard on different fourms that its not built to work correctly w/o management vlan access? Due to the environment I am installing this the vlans MUST be seperate. Does anyone know something I don't?
Router Config
Im using the default vlan setup which is 1-Default, 25-Guest, 100-Voice.
Switch Config
Port Vlan Membership = General , 1UP/25T , 1UP/25T
Port1 on switch = RV320
Port49 = WAP1
Port50 = WAP2
WAP Config
Single Point Setup
captive portal setup by the guest wizard
I have updated the firmware on all devices and downgraded to different firmware's on the WAPs, Reset, Reconfigured, Factory defaulted, etc etc.