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Does WRV4400S v1.1.13 and/or Cisco 871w v12.4(4)T8 support roaming?

Level 1
Level 1

We have a Cisco 871w as our main firewall/router/wap, and two WRV4400S units that we use strictly as WAPs.  Call them FW, WAP1, and WAP2.  The radio coverage of the FW barely overlaps with WAP1 and WAP1 barely overlaps with WAP2.

I would like to support wireless roaming, with all three devices on the same SSID, so that a user with a laptop could walk from one part of the building to another without reconnecting.

Is this possible?  If so, can you direct me to some kind of setup guide?

Also, and of lesser priority, I would like to set up some kind of "hotspot" functionality where users must authenticate in some way before being granted access to the network.

I'm pretty sure this is possible but I'm not sure what additional software would be necessary. If this were implemented, I would want it to work the same way across all three access points.

Again, is there a setup guide that I could reference?

Thanks for any help you may provide.

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