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Insider User Research program


Forum Posts

Hey everyone! Based on this topic https://community.cisco.com/t5/wireless-and-mobility/zabbix-and-wlc-ap-monitoring/m-p/3756595#M105178 and this bugreport https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvd39346 I have a question. Will SNMP or any ot...

We are using Prime Infrastructure 3.1.0.  Our organization has 11 WLCs listed in PI and only 10 of them are showing the option to Launch the Controller Web UI as a redirect from PI itself (shows little blue monitor icon next to ip address of WLC).  I...

Mo52 by Level 1
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Was wondering if anyone has a solution to getting Chrome to work with telnet links (Example: telnet:// by calling a handler application?  (in my case I want to open SecureCRT). I found this article on the chrome forums but no handlers...

please verify whether this features are supported in cisco wlc 3504 1)Detect client device Mac address, device type(such as windows device, Android device, Iphone, Ipad, blackberry, etc) and host name2)Controller should be able to allow or deny traff...

Hello everyonein my house I have two WAP150 units up and running. Both are airing the same SSIDs, obtaining optimal spatial coverage inside the apartment.So far so goo.I would like to have just one of the two radios switching on/off on a given schedu...

Uga by Level 1
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Is this a correct statement ? Code 8.3   I got the official answerI got the official answer from Cisco TAC Today. When the radio makes the necessary power adjustments through RRM it resets the radio, thus disassociating and requiring the client to ro...

I was noticing when I choose freeze or off in the DCA 802.11a the last auto channel update seems to keep happening changing time since last update. Also I still see channel updates still happening in log

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