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Local policies in WLC 7.5.x code

vijay kumar
Level 2
Level 2


Hi Experts,


We have created a local policy to block andriod devices in our network. Wheras our windows 7 and 8 clients are also matching the profile under android and it is getting blocked.

Is WLC not doing the profiling properly or any bugs?

6 Replies 6

Amjad Abdullah
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Please share some screenshots so we know your exact configuration.

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Level 4
Level 4


Please share the your configuration and any error message if you are facing, so we may drill down where the actual issue is.


Hi Abwahid ,


The configurtaion is like we need to block the android devices in our network. We just applied deny acl to that profile. Wheras some of the windows laptop recognised under the android profile. I will share the debug output soon

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

First off, v7.5 is deferred and you should move up to v7.6.130.0.  I have no issues profiling devices on v7.6.130.0 and or v8.0.x, but wouldn't go with v8.0.x as of right now.  I have used local policies to place Windows 7 & 8 on a certain vlan and place devices like Android, iPhone, etc on a bogus vlan for a given WLAN.  Profiling isn't as feature rich as what you will get in ISE, but use it if it can work for you now.  With new devices coming our, profiling might not work so well unless you upgrade the WLC code and upload newer list for the manufacture oui or uploading the profiling_policies.xml from ISE,which you only can get from someone who deos have ISE up and can export the list.


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Hi Mr.Scott ,


Thanks for the suggestion . Actually the problem is with only 5 to 6 windows laptop having 8.1 OS. It is matching with android device profile . Remaining laptops are working fine without any issues. I will share the debug output for those clients soon.




I run Windows 8.1 and have no issues... You need to upgrade and try again.  If it's not available in v7.6.130.0, then you need to upgrade to v8.0, which does have that for sure.  Now would I go with v8.0 in production... no, but its running in my home for testing purposes.


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