We have a widespread wireless network in patient care areas. We use Draeger m300 wireless ekg heart monitors in many of the patient care areas. Also there has been a growth in the number of microwave ovens in patient care areas even within individual patient rooms. Clean Airs shows much degraded air quality around lunch time every day and we start to drop some of the ekg monitors off the network during these times.
Has anyone done any testing of microwave ovens to show particular models/manufacturers that are the best at not leaking. My general testing of the models we have installed seems to show a large amount of interferrence even when the oven seems to be running at proper specs for leakage.
Has anyone done any "other" things to help reduce the amount of interferrence from microwave ovens.
Biggest problem is that the Draeger produce only works on 2.4 ghz spectrum.
Any advice appriciated.