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Real world download speeds using Cisco 2702 AP and Iphone6 or Toshiba Laptop

Level 1
Level 1

Hi folks I have been trying to figure out why my download speeds are not as fast as I expect.  I have recently installed a Cisco 2702 in place of my Cisco 1041 AP.   I have the AP plugged into a Cisco 1921 router via a non Cisco dumb 10/100/1000 switch.  My internet connection speed is ~75Mbit down & ~8Mbit up (att Uverse).  I have tested my download speeds from a wired computer and get very good results in the range of 75Mbit down and 8Mbit up, thats great.  However when I test from my Iphone 6 or Ipad Air 2 My speeds seem to max out at ~40Mbit down and 8Mbit up.  Obviously the upload speeds are as expected but not the download. Now I have switched over to my Toshiba laptop Tecra Z40 with Intel AC 7260 wifi nic and I get better results but still not port speed of my Internet connection somewhere in the range of ~60Mbit down 8Mbit up.  I have tested with the 2.4ghz radio in a shut down state to make sure that my devices are indeed on the 5ghz radio and no changes. Can someone please explain to me what I have done wrong on my configuration or point me in the right direction to have my wireless devices download at something closer to my expected Internet speed?  I am going to include my radio configuration below, if I need to include more I will be happy to paste it in just not sure what all is useful.



Thanks in advance!



dot11 ssid myssid
   authentication open
   authentication key-management wpa version 2
   wpa-psk ascii test1234


orl-2702a#sh run int dot11Radio 0
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 493 bytes
interface Dot11Radio0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 load-interval 30
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid myssid
 antenna gain 128
 packet retries 64 drop-packet
 no preamble-short
 channel 2437
 station-role root
 world-mode dot11d country-code US indoor
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding

orl-2702a#sh run int do
orl-2702a#sh run int dot11Radio 1
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 497 bytes
interface Dot11Radio1
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid myssid
 antenna gain 128
 dfs band 1 2 3 block
 channel width 80
 channel dfs
 station-role root
 world-mode dot11d country-code US indoor
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding



1 Reply 1

If you are getting 60Mbps in wireless (from 75Mbps internet link), that is really good throughput. Since wireless is half duplex media & lot of overhead (control & mgmt frames) your throughput will be limited.

You cannot get wired equivalent throughput in wireless.



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