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A9K-2x100GE-SE break out support 10x10G

Level 1
Level 1

We are trying to use our 100G port for breakout into 10x10G mode however we are getting errors on the command.  There is no documentation stating this isn't supported so we're trying to confirm if this is an administrative issue or if this is in fact a limitation on this line card.  I cant find anything official that says it isnt supported.  

Relevant output

Cisco IOS XR Software for the Cisco XR ASR9K, Version 6.6.3
Copyright (c) 2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/0/CPU0 port 0 breakout 10xTenG
Fri Apr 28 23:40:13.011 UTC

% Failed to commit one or more configuration items during a pseudo-atomic operation. All changes made have been reverted. Please issue 'show configuration failed [inheritance]' from this session to view the errors


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#show configuration failed
Fri Apr 28 22:50:42.082 UTC
!! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by
!! the system due to semantic errors. The individual
!! errors with each failed configuration command can be
!! found below.


!!% 'CfgMgr' detected the 'fatal' condition 'This configuration has not been verified and can not be accepted by the system.'



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#show platform
Fri Apr 28 23:40:33.976 UTC
Node Type State Config State


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers hundredGigE 0/0/0/0 internal
Fri Apr 28 23:43:18.721 UTC

Internal data for interface: HundredGigE0/0/0/0
Port Number : 0
Bay Number : 0
Ifinst : 0
Ifinst Subport : 0
Board Type : 0x00230231
Port Type : 100GE
Bandwidth(Kbps) : 100000000
Transport mode : LAN
Port Available : true
Status polling is : enabled
Status events are : enabled
I/F Handle : 0x040000c0
Cfg Link Enabled : tx/rx enabled
H/W Tx Enable : yes
MTU : 1514
H/W Speed : 100 Gbps
H/W Duplex : Full
H/W Loopback Type : None
FEC : Disable
H/W FlowCtrl Type : None
H/W AutoNeg Enable : Off
Rx OPD : Disabled
H/W Link Defects : (0x0000000000000008) HW_LINK
H/W Raw Link Defects : (0x0000000000000008) HW_LINK
Link Up : no
Link Led Status : Link down -- Red
Pluggable Present : yes
Pluggable Type : CFP-100G-SR10
Pluggable PID : CFP-100G-SR10
Pluggable Compl. : Compliant
Pluggable Type Supp.: Supported
Pluggable PID Supp. : Supported
NP->Mac Lane Sync : 0x001fffff
PHY->Mac Lane Sync : 0x00000000
Mac Version : 0x00000029

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions
7 Replies 7

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Here was the confusion on why we thought we could do this and maybe help clarify for someone in the future.  I did not find anything specific that said these line cards could NOT do this.  What I did find on the Transceiver matrix here

That the line card could use the CFP-100G-SR10 optic transceiver

which then says its breakout capable.

So we "assumed" that since the optic has the option that the line card could do it.  

But when we came down to putting it all together thats when we found you cannot do this.  


Thanks to @tkarnani for his quick and prompt response.  However I'd really think it would be worthwhile to make a note that Typhoon cards are not breakout capable specially, as that is not called out.  




Can you confirm if the  A9K-4X100G supports breakout to 10x10G?  When I look at the Cisco Live doc it only says breakout notes for the 8x100G Tomahawk card.  


i tried this in our lab, 4x100G 6.6.3 it works

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#hw-module location 0/0/CPU0 port 0 breakout 10xtenGigE
Tue May  2 16:21:39.093 UTC
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:21:46.649 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show log last 30
Tue May  2 16:21:53.527 UTC
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
    Console logging: level warnings, 55076 messages logged
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
    Trap logging: level informational, 247554 messages logged
    Logging to, 123777 message lines logged
    Logging to, 123777 message lines logged
    Logging to file LOCAL-SYSLOG.log, 127105 message lines logged
    Buffer logging: level debugging, 127286 messages logged

Log Buffer (125000000 bytes):

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.696 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.6 in area 6 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: interface down or detached, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.697 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor DOWN on BE9                     0.1 - interface state changed
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.698 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.1 in area 0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: interface down or detached, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.707 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to                      Down
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.707 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2                     /0/3, changed state to Down
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:20.705 UTC: vic_0[394]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-RX_LOS : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, Detected Rx Loss o                     f Signal
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:25.726 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to                      Up
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:25.727 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2                     /0/3, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.863 UTC: BM-DISTRIB[1226]: %L2-BM-6-ACTIVE : TenGigE0/2/0/3 is Active as part of Bundle                     -Ether90
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.864 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90, changed state                      to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.865 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.866 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90.6, changed sta                     te to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.866 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90.1, changed sta                     te to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.873 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90.6, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.873 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90.1, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.876 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor UP on BE90.                     6
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.877 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor UP on BE90.                     1
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:37.470 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.1 in area 0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:37.730 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.6 in area 6 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:42.530 UTC: exec[65966]: %SECURITY-LOGIN-6-AUTHEN_SUCCESS : Successfully authenticated use                     r 'tkarnani' from '' on 'vty0'
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:47.434 UTC: SSHD_[65967]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_SUCCESS : Successfully authenticated user                      'calo' from '' on 'vty1'(cipher 'aes128-ctr', mac 'hmac-sha2-256')
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:04.703 UTC: config[65981]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-REG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state registration is                      success
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.120 UTC: config[65982]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-REG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state registration is                      success
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.146 UTC: config[65981]: %MGBL-SYS-5-CONFIG_I : Configured from console by calo on vty1                      (
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.149 UTC: config[65981]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-UNREG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state un-registrati                     on is success
LC/1/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:10.320 UTC: vic[393]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-BER_SF_ALARM : port: 1, SF-BER, status: set
LC/1/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:11.325 UTC: vic[393]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-BER_SF_ALARM : port: 1, SF-BER, status: cleared
LC/0/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:39.185 UTC: lda_server[65]: %PLATFORM-LDA-6-INFO : 10xTenGigE breakout is configured on Hundr                     edGigE0/0/0/0
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:40.396 UTC: config[65982]: %MGBL-CONFIG-6-DB_COMMIT : Configuration committed by user 'tka                     rnani'. Use 'show configuration commit changes 1000029421' to view the changes.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:47.930 UTC: SSHD_[65967]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_USER_LOGOUT : User 'calo' from '172.18.104                     .8' logged out on 'vty1'
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:22:01.087 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:22:02.749 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show log last 30
Tue May  2 16:22:04.626 UTC
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
    Console logging: level warnings, 55076 messages logged
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
    Trap logging: level informational, 247554 messages logged
    Logging to, 123777 message lines logged
    Logging to, 123777 message lines logged
    Logging to file LOCAL-SYSLOG.log, 127105 message lines logged
    Buffer logging: level debugging, 127286 messages logged

Log Buffer (125000000 bytes):

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.696 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.6 in area 6 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: interface down or detached, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.697 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor DOWN on BE9                     0.1 - interface state changed
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.698 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.1 in area 0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: interface down or detached, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.707 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to                      Down
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:18.707 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2                     /0/3, changed state to Down
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:20.705 UTC: vic_0[394]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-RX_LOS : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, Detected Rx Loss o                     f Signal
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:25.726 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface TenGigE0/2/0/3, changed state to                      Up
LC/0/2/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:25.727 UTC: ifmgr[217]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface TenGigE0/2                     /0/3, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.863 UTC: BM-DISTRIB[1226]: %L2-BM-6-ACTIVE : TenGigE0/2/0/3 is Active as part of Bundle                     -Ether90
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.864 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90, changed state                      to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.865 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.866 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90.6, changed sta                     te to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.866 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface Bundle-Ether90.1, changed sta                     te to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.873 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90.6, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.873 UTC: ifmgr[259]: %PKT_INFRA-LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN : Line protocol on Interface Bundle-                     Ether90.1, changed state to Up
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.876 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor UP on BE90.                     6
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:27.877 UTC: pim[1224]: %ROUTING-IPV4_PIM-5-NBRCHG : PIM neighbor UP on BE90.                     1
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:37.470 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.1 in area 0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:37.730 UTC: ospf[1030]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 1000, Nbr on Bundl                     e-Ether90.6 in area 6 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:42.530 UTC: exec[65966]: %SECURITY-LOGIN-6-AUTHEN_SUCCESS : Successfully authenticated use                     r 'tkarnani' from '' on 'vty0'
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:20:47.434 UTC: SSHD_[65967]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_SUCCESS : Successfully authenticated user                      'calo' from '' on 'vty1'(cipher 'aes128-ctr', mac 'hmac-sha2-256')
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:04.703 UTC: config[65981]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-REG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state registration is                      success
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.120 UTC: config[65982]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-REG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state registration is                      success
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.146 UTC: config[65981]: %MGBL-SYS-5-CONFIG_I : Configured from console by calo on vty1                      (
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:06.149 UTC: config[65981]: %HA-HA_WD_LIB-6-UNREG_PROC_SUCCESS : Memory state un-registrati                     on is success
LC/1/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:10.320 UTC: vic[393]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-BER_SF_ALARM : port: 1, SF-BER, status: set
LC/1/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:11.325 UTC: vic[393]: %PLATFORM-VIC-4-BER_SF_ALARM : port: 1, SF-BER, status: cleared
LC/0/0/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:39.185 UTC: lda_server[65]: %PLATFORM-LDA-6-INFO : 10xTenGigE breakout is configured on Hundr                     edGigE0/0/0/0
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:40.396 UTC: config[65982]: %MGBL-CONFIG-6-DB_COMMIT : Configuration committed by user 'tka                     rnani'. Use 'show configuration commit changes 1000029421' to view the changes.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:2023 May  2 16:21:47.930 UTC: SSHD_[65967]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_USER_LOGOUT : User 'calo' from '172.18.104                     .8' logged out on 'vty1'
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:22:09.615 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000
        Te0/0/0/0/0  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/1  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/2  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/3  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/4  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/5  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/6  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/7  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/8  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000
        Te0/0/0/0/9  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514   10000000


% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do rollback configuration last 1
Tue May  2 16:23:50.157 UTC

Loading Rollback Changes.
Loaded Rollback Changes in 1 sec
1 items committed in 1 sec (0)items/sec
Updated Commit database in 2 sec
Configuration successfully rolled back 1 commits.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:23:58.926 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:03.580 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:08.982 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:10.056 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:10.946 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:11.778 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:12.593 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:13.405 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:14.145 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:14.872 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:15.623 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:16.333 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:17.223 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:17.955 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:18.671 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:19.445 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:20.197 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:20.989 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/0   not ready   not ready               ARPA     0  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR-9006-H(config)#do show int br loc 0/0/cpu0
Tue May  2 16:24:21.687 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
          Hu0/0/0/0  admin-down  admin-down               ARPA  1514  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/1        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/2        down        down               ARPA  1518  100000000
          Hu0/0/0/3          up          up               ARPA  1514  100000000


Level 1
Level 1

Jumping onto this thread, and also @tkarnani 

Is there a good data sheet or Cisco Live presentation that explains the passive breakout cable?  If SR10 is 10 distinct wavelengths within the 850nm band, how would each of the 10 then interact with a SR transceiver that is operating with the full band?  Do the 10 individual waves all fall within the total overall bandwidth of SR, and then the cable acts as basically a band pass filter for each individual wave?  I'm asking because, if I'm purchasing a 1550 DWDM optic, it must be tuned to the intended channel that will be used in a passive DWDM shelf/system.  Seems like we'd have the same requirement breaking out SR10 into 10 sub-channels using a passive breakout cable.  This would be the same question for 40G-SR4.  Please forgive me if I've missed something obvious on this one.

the only doc i am aware of is the one that has the cable specification itself

you may need to open a case and one of our tac engineers can help provide a more detailed answer

thank you

Thanks.  That answers my question.  I hadn't dug in enough to see that it used MPO-24.  Interesting that a standard port channel maxes out at 8 links, but if we're using it for a full 100G link to another router, there must be a different method that utilizes all 10 10G-SR links.  I'll do the digging on that one.