The two screens of mx800d are not bright, and it is preliminarily judged that the power board is faulty。Where can I buy this power board?The power board model is Delta APDP-416A1 Replacement Switching Power Supply Unit 2955028104@
思科视频终端连接多个麦克风原理哈罗,我想请教一个问题,思科视频终端连接多个麦克风的时候,音质效果不好。然后我想了解的是,思科麦克风接6个麦克风的原理是怎么样的?6个麦克风同时拾音进去吗?还是说离人声最近的麦克风拾音吗?还是说是识别最大音量的麦克风作为拾音麦?是否有麦克风组管理?谢谢Cisco video terminals connect multiple microphonesHello, I would like to ask you a question, Cisco video term...
问题描述:当升级UCCX 从11.6 到12.5 的时候,升级可以成功但是版本切换的时候会报错。报错如下: Sync after switch version failed: Unified CCX Data Update Switch version has failed due to :: Unified CCX Data Update failed Please collect the logs via "file get install /*". Reboot this UCCX no...