01-30-2025 05:58 AM - edited 01-30-2025 06:00 AM
Good morning all,
So a little background, I am in the process of automating RDP application lockdowns, e.g. creating with PowerShell AD Groups (btw I would love if someone knew how to add to the external list of groups being imported from the ad that would be great) but I digress. , Then I create RDP integrations with the names of the servers and assigning the groups using the API, this is where this piece comes in, I would like to get the IKey and Skey for each of those integrations so that I could remotely install duo client on the servers using PowerShell. Well that is the back ground here is the issue.
Note this works just fine is I use this path /admin/v1/users just not this path /admin/v1/integrations/DIE5LWNQQ8MPBMJ5FF9M/skey
Any help would be great the error message is:
Invoke-RestMethod : {"code": 40103, "message": "Invalid signature in request credentials", "stat": "FAIL"}
At C:\scripts\New-DuoRequest.ps1:107 char:15
Creates a properly formated http request for the DUO Admin API
This function will output a psobject that can be used with Invoke-RestMethod or Invoke-WebRequest. The function properly creates a signed
HMAC SHA1 request for the DUO Admin API
Specify the api hostname for your duo admin endpoint. (api-3dsf9329.duosecurity.com)
.PARAMATER apiEndpoint
Specify the apiEndpoint you are using in your request. ('/admin/v1/admins'). Ensure to include the proper backslashes in the string
Specify the api Key, also known as the Integration key for the DUO Admin API application
.PARAMATER apiSecret
Specify the api secret key
.PARAMATER requestMethod
Specify the http request method (PUT, GET, POST, etc..) defaults to GET. This parameter is not required
.PARAMATER requestParams
Specify any additional parameters that need to be included in the body of the http request. Needs to formated as a hashtable @{username = 'user@test.com'; alias=user@test.com}
(The URL-encoded list of key=value pairs, lexicographically sorted by key. If the request does not have any parameters one must still include a blank line in the string that is signed)
Get All Users
$Request = New-DuoRequest -apiHost 'api-453454fg.duosecurity.com' -apiEndpoint '/admin/v1/users' -apiKey '456fghgf23s3' -apiSecret '4354354dfg211525'
Invoke-RestMethod @Request
Get A user by username
$Request = New-DuoRequest -apiHost 'api-453454fg.duosecurity.com' -apiEndpoint '/admin/v1/users' -apiKey '456fghgf23s3' -apiSecret '4354354dfg211525' -requestParams @{username = 'user@test.com'}
Invoke-RestMethod @Request
function New-duoRequest(){
$requestMethod = 'GET',
$date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss -0000")
$formattedParams = ($requestParams.Keys | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object {$_ + "=" + [uri]::EscapeDataString($requestParams.$_)}) -join "&"
#DUO Params formatted and stored as bytes with StringAPIParams
$requestToSign = (@(
).trim() -join "`n").ToCharArray().ToByte([System.IFormatProvider]$UTF8)
#Hash out some secrets
$hmacsha1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1]::new($apiSecret.ToCharArray().ToByte([System.IFormatProvider]$UTF8))
$hmacsha1.ComputeHash($requestToSign) | Out-Null
$authSignature = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($hmacsha1.Hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
#Create the Authorization Header
$authHeader = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(('{0}:{1}' -f $apiKey, $authSignature)))
#Create our Parameters for the webrequest - Easy @Splatting!
$httpRequest = @{
URI = ('https://{0}{1}' -f $apiHost, $apiEndpoint)
Headers = @{
"X-Duo-Date" = $Date
"Authorization" = "Basic: $authHeader"
Body = $requestParams
Method = $requestMethod
ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$Request = New-DuoRequest -apiHost 'api-hostgoeshere.duosecurity.com' -apiEndpoint '/admin/v1/integrations/DIE5LWNQQ8MPBMJ5FF9M/skey' -apiKey 'keygoeshere' -apiSecret 'keygoeshere'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
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