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Brooke Hammer
Community Manager
Community Manager


The Community team has successfully completed the latest platform update (you may have already seen some of the changes).  


Community Platform Updates  

  • Options Menu: The Subscribe and Bookmark features are now easier to find.  These features are both next to the Options menu and within that menu on all boards and content.  Log in to use these helpful features! 
  • Cisco Community Mobile Experience: Fixes and updates to the community mobile experiences make it easier for you to stay connected on the go.  


Community Engagement Updates  

October AMA and Community Live webinars: View the post event replay and documentation in case you missed it! 


#CommunityPoll on social:  

"Do you think #AI can improve community experience?" 

* Yes = 64% 

* Unsure = 22% 

* No = 14%  

Source: LinkedInX 

Getting Started

Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. New here? Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the community: