Has anyone had any issues getting report downloading via API to work with CCVA running
I keep getting HTTP error 406 indicating incorrect info in the GET request header, but I'm using the recommended accept conditions from Cisco's API reference guide.
Example of the code and URL I'm trying to work with:
url = "https://<CC-address>/dna/intent/api/v1/data/reports/<reportId>/executions/<execId>"
payload = None
headers = { "X-Auth-Token": toke['Token'], "Accept": 'application/json' } # Also tried setting accept type to 'text/csv' to match the file type I'm trying to download
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers, data = payload, verify=False)
Seems to work just fine when grabbing data from other APIs but CC rejects this when trying to trigger a file download