Robert Yee of Cisco Systems and Jason Bomar of LA Networks, December 2010 - There has been a lot of information over the last few years on the Data Center switches, so what exactly is a Nexus switch, and why should you care? Why not join us for our year end meeting and find out! We will be covering hardware, software, high availability, features, road map – the whole nine yards! This topic will be co-presented and you will get slides on the high level items, as well as discussions on designs and best practices. Time permitting there will be a live demo of what the NX-OS system looks like and possibly hardware to view as well. Please bring your curious nature and lots of questions!
Jim Thor of Wildpackets, November 2010 - has over 17 years of experience across many facets of Information Technology. Before joining WildPackets, his expertise in information security has placed him within Fortune 100 companies in various technology roles. In addition, Jim has a strong background in network architecture and systems administration, working and consulting in companies of all sizes. Jim possesses a thorough understanding of data communications, from the network infrastructure and the software applications that traverse it - to the procedures and controls that help promote the secure, stable, and efficient use of corporate intellectual property. Jim has obtained certifications from (ISC)², Cisco, Checkpoint, and Nokia.
Robert Yee of Cisco Systems, September 2010 - Cisco IPS - This will be a general discussion of Cisco’s IPS. Robert will start with be a baseline of what the Cisco IPS is and then cover some of the newer features available with the latest version of code and the management. He will end with a demonstration of the setting up an IPS.
Jason Bomar Of LA Networks, August 2010 - EIGRP Routing - We will cover the basics of how EIGRP works: DUAL, feasibility, administrative distance, etc. Also we will cover some best practices, some more advanced configuration and time permitting, have a brief demonstration of the routing protocol. As always, interactive questions and comments will make the presentation stronger – so bring your inquisitive attitudes!
Jules Bawe of Alliance Healthcare Services, July 2010 - Embedded Event Manager (EEM) is a tool included in the Cisco IOS. EEM makes it easier to automatically change the configuration or behavior of your router, collect information on your device health, trigger actions based on events and more… The following topics will be covered: Definition and history, Components of EEM, Visit TCL. Examples / scenarios: 1 - Use of Applet/TCL script along with IP SLA to change the configuration and behavior of a router . 2 - Use the Cron feature of EEM to schedule processes to run on a router - with Applet/TCL script
Robert Yee of Cisco Systems, May 2010 - Power over Ethernet and Energywise - This month’s topic will give a primer on understanding and planning for PoE in your network and using Energywise capabilities of your switch to help monitor and manage power usage throughout your PoE environment.
R. Kishan Boddapati of California Electric Utility, April 2010 - Cisco Unified Presence [CUP] - We will be discussing what is Cisco Unified Presence [CUP] and how does it fit in with Cisco Unified Communications. And, how it would make communications effective and the knowledge workers more productive.
Jason Bomar Of LA Networks, March 2010 - We will be covering a new topic to SCCUG, but one that has been requested several times – network troubleshooting. We will be talking about approaches, methodologies, and specific scenarios. The way to get the most out of this meeting is to bring your own experiences as well so that we can get more perspectives. We will touch upon a few best practices as well for dealing with things like outages, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, etc.
Robert Yee of Cisco Systems - February 2010 - Robert will discuss some of the challenges that customers are facing in their data centers and how UCS is designed to help overcome these challenges. Blade hardware as well as the new rack servers will be discussed. Robert will also speak about the innovations that make UCS interesting as a server platform.
Robert Yee of Cisco Systems - January 2010 - The presentation will cover basic design issues around AP density, throughput, RF and other considerations. Also, there will be an over view of the components the make up the Cisco's wireless LAN solution. Then we will discuss a basic wireless deployment and components with a live demo.