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Demystifying the Calling Transformation Pattern at the Phone Level on Cisco Unified Communication Manager.
The Calling Transformation Pattern settings and available at the Phone Section on Cisco Unified Communication is sometimes confusing.
It allows the modification of the calling number or Number Presentation Transformation. If we look at the section, there are two options :
1-Caller ID For Calls From This Phone
2-Remote Number
The question that arises what is the difference and where to use these two options ?
First we can explain the purpose of the Calling Transformation Pattern at the phone level as follow :
When I call a number -> The number you see.
Let’s take an example.
The Phone-1 is registered with DN \+xxx while the Phone-2 is registered with DN \+xxx.
Phone-1 calls Phone-2. Since we are using a Globalized Format for DNs, we want to use and display the calling number in 4 Digits for internal calls. In this case the calling device is \+xxx and Phone-2 wants to see 1001.
To do this, the Number Presentation Transformation settings provides the solution to modify the calling number by applying a Calling Transformation Pattern so that  when it rings at the called device or the destination device.

But, be carefull where to apply the Calling Transformation Pattern. As mentioned previsouly there are two options under the Number Presentation Transformation Settings :
1-Caller ID For Calls From This Phone : Apply the Calling Transformation Pattern at the Originating Device – Phone-1 in this case.

2-Remote Number : Apply the Calling Transformation Pattern at the Destination Device – Phone-2 in this case.

The difference between these two options is the way the missed calls are displayed .

As shown in the topology, The Transformation Pattern applied at the originating device will affect the Missed Calls presentation.
But when applying the Transformation Pattern at the destination device, the Transformation Pattern does not affect the Missed Calls.


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