on 10-26-2014 02:51 AM
Those who are new to Java and wants to write 1st java application to be integrated with UCCX, this will help you to write and deploy the java application and integrated with UCCX.
Example: I am using UCCX 10.0 so java version that it supports it JDK/JRE 1.6.0_45
Variable name: CLASSPATH
Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin;
Note: above is the install path for JDK and JRE
I am writing a simple java program which will accept two integers from UCCX and then add two integers and return the sum to the two numbers and pass to UCCX.
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
public class add
public static int sum(int n, int m)
int a=n;
int b=m;
int c=a+b;
return c;
Note: Now when you create new variable, you can see the type “add” , if not the jar file has not added properly or some issue with jar file.
When you will debug the script you can see the value of z is the sum of the two numbers. X and Y value are passed as argument and SUM method will add the numbers and return the value and assign it to Z.
Thanks Reena...It really helped me alot.
Thanks Reena. This was helpful.
Thanks, Reena!
This opens so many doors for using this Editor.
As a clarifying question, though, when you declare the variable 'A' as an 'add' type and set it to null, don't you eventually need to instantiate A as a new add object, like this?
Set A = new add();
Also, when you use the sum method, don't we have to reference the variable ('A') instead of the class ('add'), like this?
Set Z = A.sum(X, Y);
Because otherwise there's no reason to create a variable 'A' if we can simply reference 'add' whenever we wish to implement the sum method, right?
I'm no Java expert, but I thought that's how these OO (object-oriented) objects work. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Sorry, I failed to notice that the add Class is static. That would allow us to use the sum method without instantiating or having to reference 'A'.
Thanks, again!
Thanks a lot Reena, for sharing this valuable information.
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