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Rajiv Lal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Some steps to troubleshoot desktop monitoring


-->Supervisor not able to monitor any agent

-->Supervisor not able to monitor some agents

-->Supervisor can able to monitor the agents but sometimes cannot monitor the same agents

1) Not able to monitor any agents:

-->Follow desktop config using the below doc:

-->Check in CDA if the checkboxes are there besides the agent phones

-->ON cucm check span to PC port, PC voice VLAN access, G.722 disabled, PC port enabled

-->Run Postinstall on agent and supervisor and confirm correct ip and sniffer NIC is selected

-->Check the NIC binding order

-->Check for antivirus and firewall

-->Check the NIC compatibility and follow the registry changes if required using the below doc:

For intel:

For Broadcom:

-->At the last capture sniffer from agent , sup and server along with agent debug , supervisor debug and FCVOIPmonitor debug logs from server

2) Not able to monitor some agents:

-->Check for firewall and antivirus

-->NIC compatbility

-->Run postinstall

-->Span to PC port, pc PORT enabled , PC voice VLAN access and G.722 codec disabled

-->Sniffer on agent PC to see if it is getting any RTP if not then the issue is with NIC if yes then gather sniffer from agent , supervisor and server along with debug agent , debug supervisor and debug FCVOIPmonitor logs

3)Supervisor can monitor agents and cannot monitor same agents sometimes

-->G.722 codec (disable it)

-->If still the issue persists then we need sniffer from agent , supervisor and server along with debug logs for the call that failed.

-->Check the NIC binding order and make sure the correct NIC is on the top in the NIC binding order.
   To check the NIC binding order you need to go to Network connections-->click on the Advance Tab-->Advanced settings and make sure the
correct NIC is at the top.
-->Disable any antivirus or firewall that might be running on the client PC.
-->Run postinstall.exe on the client PC and make sure correct NIC is selected.
     To run post install c:/programfiles/cisco/desktop/bin/postinstall.exe.
-->On the UCCX server launch the CDA (Start-->programs-->Cisco-->Cisco Desktop administer) and here confirm if the check boxes are selected besides
agent phones MAC addresses.
If after doing the above the issue remains then we need to gather the agent debug logs , supervisor debug , RASCAL log (from server) and VoIP Server log
(from server).
First you need to setup the below:
-->Install wireshark on agent PC, on supervisor PC and on the IPCCX server.
-->Note down the agent phone MAC address, agent phone extension, agent PC extension, agent phone ip address and agent PC ip address
-->Note down the Supervisor PC ip address and the MAC address.
-->Note down the UCCX server ip address and MAC address
-->Take a test phone from where you will be making the test call to the agent phone and note down the Extension, MAC address and ip address of this
test phone.
Enable Agent debug logs on the agent PC:
C:\programfiles\Cisco\Desktop\config\Agent CFG file and set the threshold
from OFF to DEBUG and save the file
Enable Supervisor Debug logs:
C:\programfiles\Cisco\Desktop\config\Supevisor CFG file and set the
threshold from OFF to DEBUG and save the file
Turn on the RASCAL logs on the UCCX server C:\Program
Files\Cisco\Desktop\config\ FCRasSvr.cfg and set the Threshold to DEBUG and then save the file
Turn on the VOIP monitor logs on the UCCX server C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\config\ FCRasSvr.cfg and set the Threshold to DEBUG and
then save the file
Enabling the debug logs is service impacting and we need to set the
threshold level OFF once we have the information that we need.
1) After enabling the debug logs ask the supervisor and the agent to close
the CAD and CSD application and again launch it.
2) Start the wireshark on the agent PC, supervisor PC and the UCCX server.
3)Make a test call from the test phone to the agent phone and ask the supervisor to monitor this call and ask the agent and other party to talk
for at least 30 to 40 seconds.
4) Note down the time when this test call is made
5) Once the monitor fails and you get the error message on the supervisor wait for 10 seconds and after that you can ask the caller to hung up the
6) Stop the wireshark, save the files and name them as agent capture, supervisor capture and server capture.
7) Collect the agent logs and agent debug logs from the agent PC, C:\programfiles\cisco\desktop\log and collect the latest Agent_dbg and agent
log file.
8) Collect the supervisor logs and supervisor debug logs from the supervisor PC, C:\programfiles\cisco\desktop\log and collect the latest Supervisor_dbg
and supervisor_log file.
9) On the UCCX server gather the FCVoIPMonSvr_dbg, FCVoIPMonSvr.log, FCRasSvr_log and FCRasSvr_dbg logs from C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\log

Look for errors in the logs that were collected above and accordingly procced.

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