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News and Announcements

Exciting news! Registration is now open for Automation Developer Days in the US. Join us in Atlanta from December 3-5, 2024, for an opportunity to share your expertise, gain insights, and connect with fellow professionals. Don’t miss out— Register Today! .

Edited Recordings of Automation Developer Days are now available on our
YouTube Channel!

Learn more about how to build an automation practice!

Blog Articles

OS Upgrade Version 2 using NSO

Do you need to upgrade the OS on your infrastructure devices?   If the answer to this question is “yes” then you may have an easy solution through NSO (Network Service Orchestrator). Cisco Advanced Se...


Network Configuration Compliance Using NSO

Do you have network configuration compliance issues? If the answer to this question is “yes” then you may have an easy solution through NSO (Network Service Orchestrator). Cisco CX team has developed ...


Pioneer NED Builder

This video shows a demo of using the NSO Pioneer NED builder tool to build a NETCONF NED for a new device. The script that was used in the demo is attached (


How to automate port turnup with NSO

Do you need to automate port turn up in your network?   If the answer to this question is “yes” then you may have an easy solution through NSO (Network Service Orchestrator). Cisco Advanced Services h...


Automating compliance reporting & remediation using NSO

Do you have devices in your network which are not compliant with your network standards?   If the answer to this question is “yes” then you may have an easy solution through NSO (Network Service Orche...


NSO Dev Days: Netrounds demo

Stefan Vallin of Netrounds demonstrates the integration between NSO and Netrounds on the NSO Developer Days 2018   Watch recording on YouTube:

Getting Started

Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. New here? Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the NSO Developer community: