Hi everybody,
I am trying to download all archived configurations for my network devices (switches) from CCC ver.
To do that, I am using a Python script connecting to the CCC API and I follow this approach:
I list all the network devices using the API endpoint XXX/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device-config
I build a list of fileId's for each configuration file for each device in the response
I download the files using the API endpoint XXX/dna/intent/api/v1/file/${fileId}
This approach works fine and I get a number of running and startup configs as well as vlan.dat files for each device. Testing with Postman shows the same result.
The problem is that the running and startup configs looks like they are encrypted but the vlan.dat is not (I can see the correct VLAN names in the binary file) and I can confirm this by listing the files with the API endpoint XXXk/dna/intent/api/v1/file/namespace/${nameSpace} where you can see the difference below with no"encrypted": true or restrictedAccess": true under the VLAN.dat file:
{"nameSpace": "ca-25","name": "xxx_RUNNINGCONFIG","downloadPath": "/file/f476afa7-xxxx-xxxx-8b2f-06504c095d69","fileSize": "45838","fileFormat": "application/octet-stream","md5Checksum": "xxx","sha1Checksum": "xxx"","sha2Checksum": "xxx","restrictedAccess": true,"sftpServerList": [{sftp-details}],"encrypted": true,"id": "xxx"},{"nameSpace": "ca-25","name": "xxx"_vlan.dat","downloadPath": "/file/acb05b06-xxxx-xxxx-9014-b24385d004b7","fileSize": "3384","md5Checksum": "xxx","sha1Checksum": "xxx","sftpServerList": [{sftp-details}],"id": "acb05b06-xxxx-xxxx-9014-b24385d004b7"}
I cannot find any documentation or details about the encryption or file format of the running and startup configs so I have no way of decrypting the files. Can anybody help me with details about this so I can actually use the files?
Lars Jakobsen
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