We are getting surprised with super-quick idle logouts since updating to 12.6.2. If an agent is inactive in the Finesse desktop for only a few seconds and then refreshes the window, s/he has to log in again. This is a much tighter restriction than ...
After an update to 12.6.2, I'm finding that nearly all my custom gadgets are given default heights no matter what the XML requests in the ModulePrefs. One solution is to move declarative config into the init method of the gadget and request the value...
Hi All,I would like to know about the customization of QueueStatistics.jsp gadgets. By default, it shows only 10 rows and I tried to implement maxRows=40 and gadgetHeight=800 but it didn't work.What is the dynamic way to show Queue Statistics? For ex...
We have an adaptive card containing an array of small png images encoded in base64.Since last Window client update posting this card makes the client to crash if user tries to go to the chat group where it has been posted.The card is well seen and wo...
We are in the process of migrating users from on-prem exchange to O365, we are looking for a way to automate Unity Voicemail Unified Messaging Services accounts via CLI, Python Script, or an API call.What we need to do is delete the current UM Profil...
hi ,I am new to this Cisco Unified call studio. I have a question on how to integrate with database. Like as per doc, it seems we should provide a JNDI name for DB connection but not clear on how or where to create the required JNDI to connect to a s...
I am getting below error after upgrading CVP from 11.0.1 to 11.6.I have all JAR's as expected but not sure why we are getting this error.This error is from Database element. error was: A built-in element encountered an exception of type com.audium.se...
I'm playing around with the reasonCode in CURRI divert responses. The schema has a duplicate readonCode with value 'time-of-day' - I'm sure that can't be correct. So what would be the second value? Also, who processes these reasonCodes and what happ...
Hi Team,I am trying to update partition of call control group using API, it gives message 202 Accepted but it never updates partition when I check from GUI. I tried on multiple clusters, waited for long time after running API PUT request but no luck....
Hi Team,I am trying to create dialog group on UCCX using API but getting below error:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><apiErrors><apiError><errorData></errorData><errorMessage>cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'dialogGroup' is not c...
I was wondering if i someone can help me with a small issue i am facing i am trying to use Apache Reverse proxy for Finesse on UCCX Proxy.company.com:8084 ---> Finesse.company.com:8445the problem i am getting is that the main page of finesse loads wh...
When i pull the data using below lines of code, I am not able to the "registered phone" status. How do i get status for all phones?phones = ucm.get_phones()
Hi, I am trying to CLOSE an exiting dialog with a PUT to: https://finesse_server/finesse/api/Dialog/{{dialogID}} Body: <Dialog> <requestedAction>CLOSE</requestedAction> </Dialog> I am getting this error: The user is not authorized to perform this ...
Hey. Does anybody know what the websocket URL for the WebRTC stream is on Webex CC. Im in the middle of building af a custom agent, and the customer want to use WebRTC. For that i need the ws to subscribe to. I know have to get the message websocket,...
Hello,I'm developing using Cisco's UC Gateway Services.I managed to have a working SOAP Server without a problem. Right now I've tested the SolicitXccProbing/ResponseXccProbing and doing a RequestXccConnectionRelease.However, I'm trying yo test a N...