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CUCM PAWS - Request

Hey all, I’ve been struggling to create some PAWS request.I tried using SOAP UI and also Postman. I get errors in both. Can someone guide me please?For example, I’m trying this one: getMyClusterNode This is what I am doing on Postman:The authenticati...


Resolved! containerServices.showDialog button options question

Hi,I am trying to implement a dialog popup using the containerServices.showDialog method .However, the documentation does not show the proper format of how to add buttons ...

SumoPig by Level 1
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Finesse Gadget not picking up finesse.js

Hello everyone.I am quite new to gadget development, and have only a rudementary understanding of what actually goes on under the hood when gadgets are loaded.I am attempting to create a gadget from an Angular project which (in my mind at least) shou...

setup VPN less finesse gadget

Gadget Functionality:                 •              When an agent answers a call, the call details are stored in an SQL database.                 •              If the same customer calls again, the database is checked, and the call is assigned to t...

akansahu by Cisco Employee
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Our 3rdPartygadget is not loading in VPN_less Finesse

Our 3rdPartygadget is not loading in VPN-less FinesseGadget Functionality:  - When an agent answers a call, the call details are stored in an SQL database.                                                  - If the same customer calls again, the datab...

CFAdmin_configured code.png

Resolved! IP-Phone Custom Rx Stream: Merging It Into Call's Tx Stream

Hello!I'm sending an RTPRx XSI command to a Cisco IP-Phone, in the following format:<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem URL="RTPRx:<Local-IP>:<Phone-Port>:100"/></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>This successfully starts a custom Rx stream on this phone-device, so ...

Bliss by Level 1
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