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Since we always appreciate a bit of help trying to come up with gift ideas around the holiday season, the DevNet team has assembled some of our favorite items for your friends and family. So from our family to yours, we hope you have a great, fun, and perfect gift giving holiday!

For the Builder

  • Circuit scribe allows you to draw circuits with metallic conductive ink! From: @mandywhaley
  • As if you weren't already planning to get one, the Alexa Dot is an affordable way to learn about the new trends of voice interaction. From: @mattdashJ
  • If you're feeling REALLY ambitious you can hack your car Carloop!  "Carloop is a 100% open source kit that lets you connect your car to the cloud via 3G, WiFi or Bluetooth. We provide easy to use libraries so you can track your car with GPS, log mileage on an SD Card or check your engine codes. It’s Plug and Play, no cables required." From: @denapom11
  • Interested in a little bit of root/ROM hacking? A usably-featured Android tablet for $33! From: @dstaudtatcisco
  • You're using source control, right?!  If so, a gitkraken pro license is handy for those learning git who want some GUI help. From: @mandywhaley

For the Foodie

For the Traveler

For the Security Conscious

For Parents

For Those Trying To Be Healthy

For YOU (and your career!)

The giver of gifts needs a little something special too. Treat yourself to free DevNet Learning Labs and Sandboxes!

If you do give one of the gifts listed above, tweet @CiscoDevNet a pic with #DevNet hashtag!

Happy Holidays from the DevNet Team!

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