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Hi , We recently connected a Maraki 9300L switch against our Nexus 9000. A trunk al vlans is connected between them.Nothing is connected to Maraki yet except the Nexus and we get error messages on the Nexus. Does anyone have an idea what the problem ...
Hello, I am working on a tool that is built on/in an Excel Workbook - and would like to pull data directly from vManage via API. I am able to get authenticated via Postman however when I attempt to pull from inside an Excel Workbook (using VBA) i am...
Version: 0.5.7I want to save the configuration of the device with Terraform.Logs when creating the resource that should be responsible for this.The result on the device, which suggests an unsaved configuration. After saving manually, WARNING does not...
Hi, I am trying to CLOSE an exiting dialog with a PUT to: https://finesse_server/finesse/api/Dialog/{{dialogID}} Body: <Dialog> <requestedAction>CLOSE</requestedAction> </Dialog> I am getting this error: The user is not authorized to perform this ...
Hi, I'm trying to fetch client count statistics via Catalyst API : /dna/data/api/v1/clients/count I apply basic filtering to only give the count of a certain Building and floor. The number i get returned does not match the number I see in Catalyst G...
Hi!This is my first ansible journey in the cisco world, been doing this with Juniper before and would appreciate som advice.My goal is to use Netbox as source of truth and to genereate a complete configuration for each device, not just adding a vlan ...
Is there a way to extract the Event and Alarm logs from vManage for a long period like last 6 months? When i extract from the vManage, I get logs for a very short time since the row limit for the extract is 10000 and it is filled within very short t...
Our 3rdPartygadget is not loading in VPN-less FinesseGadget Functionality: - When an agent answers a call, the call details are stored in an SQL database. - If the same customer calls again, the datab...
Hello, inside the ACI Simulator 6.0 "Operation Hub page", there is a link to this file: that is the guide for that ...
Hello, We're using EoX by PID and they are not giving information on some PIDs listed below:SF352-08-K9-EURV160-K9-INMS120-24P-HWMS210-24P-HW "ErrorResponse": { "APIError": { "ErrorCode": "NO_RECORDS_FOUND", "ErrorDescription": "No records found wit...
I know the documentation says it is not supported, but has anyone found a way to send images from clients to the agents, or is there a way to request Cisco to enable it?
Hi,I'm trying to build a ned using NSO 6.4, but compilation is failing due to my deviation file.From devel.log, I have this error: ncs progress usid=35 tid=1084 datastore=running context=cli trace-id=d5aafe3da82cf16c52206216ecfb575b output: augmented...
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