Have you built some great code that you want to share with the world? Or maybe you are looking for some code to help complete your project. In either case, you can use the Code Exchange at developer.cisco.com to solve your code questions! You can...
Difference between USGMII and USXGMII:
USGMII is used for 8x10M/100M/1GE network ports, with each port maximum speed of 1GE. USXGMII-Single Port version can be used to support ONE network port with 10M/100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G data ratesUSGMII is used f...
Hello fellow DevNet Sandbox Surfers!
To see the status of your active and past reservations, navigate to the ‘Environments’ page by clicking on the ‘Environments’ tab on the left side of the main sandbox ‘Catalog’ page (https://devnetsandbox.cis...
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) openVuln API is a RESTful API that allows customers to obtain Cisco Security Vulnerability information in different machine-consumable formats. APIs are important for customers because they al...
The Provisioning API enables access to the Meraki dashboard configuration via a modern programmable API. This python library was created by a team of Meraki Network Support Engineers and Consulting Systems Engineers. The purpose of the library is to ...
Automate Shell Interaction in Python with Pexpect
Expect is a command/scripting language that talks with your interactive programs or scripts that require user interaction. In a previous Networking Knowledge Base article, we showed how to Automat...
Cisco UCS Manager Monitoring Script
The script allows us to generate reports by collecting detailed information from your UCS Manager. It utilizes Cisco UCS PowerTool to connect and collect data from UCS Manager. The script then generate...
I'm tasked with providing a credential unlock for CUCM endusers. Looking at the AXL schema and doing some trial & error I found that pinCredentials.pinResetHackCount / passwordCredentials.pwdResetHackCount is what I'm looking for.. setting this to tr...
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