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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Status: New

A very useful Sandbox for all developers working with Webex Cloud collaboration, is to have a sandbox with the resources required for cloud collaboration.


A simple topology that can be booked within 15 minutes but completely reliable as to practice API in a complete topology and also troubleshoot various issues.


This is a sandbox that has been missing  and as cloud collaboration is gaining its recognition, this could be useful to all.

We will need (CUCM, IMP, CUC, EXPC-E, AD, 3 PCs) This would need access to Control Hub for service creation.

An automation script to create a few users upon booking this lab, or a script to get the users after the lab is created.

This would need access to Internet for testing but not to PSTN services. 

1 Comment
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Any update on this would be very appreciated

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