Hello .would any one please guide me how to purchase the G2G licence , I really spent a lot of time trying to find out that through the official Cisco website https://apps.cisco.com/Commerce/guest
Hello, I am currently developing an app for communication between command issuers and operators by using WebEx's meeting capabilities to create rooms and communicate within tasks. The main features will be chat, voice, and video call. I believe I may...
I finally got to reserve the Meraki Sandbox but when I logged in there were no appliances. No MX, no switches, no Cameras, AP's nothing. Its like this a brand new install. All it has is a network called branch office. Is there a solution for this?
I am unable to connect to my sandbox session. I am receiving credentials 15 minutes after starting up the session, but the failure I am getting is: "2025-03-13 10:08:21 | 422c | Cannot read registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E...
I'm facing a login issue with the following errorfor the following environmentThis is the second try after a few hours with fresh environment, but with the same end result.Any suggestions how to solve this?
Hi Team, I have tried to launch the "Catalyst Center Sandbox" at least 5 times and around 30 seconds after it is launched I'm getting an "Active with error". It shows the below message as well: "Oops. Launch failedDevNet Sandbox, Sandbox Reservat...
Hi @All Sandbox will be taking a maintenance window from 9am GMT Fri 21st March to 11pm GMT Sun 23rd of March. During this time, the portal will not be accessible but any Active labs will still be available to users. The window is required to perfor...
Hi All,I've just reserved and launched my first DNAC lab with DevNet, I'm still trying to get my head around the lab environment. However, the most important bit is the topology diagram. On the lab description, it mentioned "Other Network Elements: R...
Hi All,I've just started a Catalyst Center with ISE lab, and I'm still trying to understand how to utilise this lab, but I can't seem to find the lab topology diagram, it's mentioned on the lab description "Other Network Elements: Refer to the Lab To...
The API for seems to be broken with anything related to SDA. I've ran into multiple issues with different API calls not working or even just stating they're not available even though they are documented under 2.3.7 API references. From anoth...
Hi,Have tried the API below and get response that include these statisctics rx/tx-packets, rx/tx-error etc. but not the up_capacity_percentage and down_capacity_percentage. Does vManage sandbox support those statistics? If yes, any pointer on which A...
Please refer to the following for the environment link and error.https://devnetsandbox.cisco.com/DevNet/environments/56EmoxLJ5eEP/simplifiedEnvironment name: Cisco Modeling Labs-20250302T12180406