el 10-02-2024 02:21 AM
Vorrei sapere se il modello CATALYST 3560: "Switch WS-C3560CX-8PC-S" emette onde elettromagnetiche come quelle di un modem, oppure essendo uno Switch non ha questa possibilità.
el 10-02-2024 03:27 AM
Hi @Giannino
I believe any device connected to eletricity will emit some sort of eletro magnetic waves.
Now, the amount of energy emited will be limited in comparison to those device, like an Access Point, which communicate using wireless.
el 10-04-2024 02:30 AM
Hi Flavio,
thank you very much for your answer
compared to a wi-fi modem that emits waves for internet communication, does a Switch like this emit the same waves?
el 10-04-2024 03:30 AM
An AP is designed with a radio.
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