le 29-11-2023 06:22 AM
sorry englis is not my mother tongue
I want to simulate a core network with packet tracer but i don't know how to do that,
This is a simple topo, but when a ping from the pc not work and the same with the other computer... but if I remove my core network and connect the sw1 and the sw2 with the links "trunk" it's work perfectly...
I don’t understand can you help me...
Thank you
Résolu ! Accéder à la solution.
le 29-11-2023 07:55 AM
Thanks @malfury77
On your 'CORE', you don't configured vlan !
Add this on your 'CORE'
Ping is OK after that between PC on the same VLAN through that "CORE":
le 29-11-2023 07:59 AM
I find my error.... i feel stupid... on my "core network" i just create the trunk link but without creates vlans only ports trunk... now is work perfectly!! i'm glad i finally found it for myself
29-11-2023 06:28 AM - modifié 29-11-2023 06:32 AM
Hello @malfury77
Please share your PT project here in a zip file.
Partagez votre projet packet tracer dans un zip! Je regarderai.
le 29-11-2023 07:47 AM
le 29-11-2023 07:55 AM
Thanks @malfury77
On your 'CORE', you don't configured vlan !
Add this on your 'CORE'
Ping is OK after that between PC on the same VLAN through that "CORE":
le 29-11-2023 07:59 AM
le 13-12-2023 10:34 PM
Merci @malfury77 d'avoir partagé vos trouvailles !
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