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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This how-to is a step-by-step quick start guide to help you in setting up IOx on IE3400 industrial ethernet switches and running a simple docker container via CLI.


With the introduction of IOS-XE 17.2.1 all variants of IE3400 and IE3400H support application hosting with IOx and running of vanilla docker containers. Much in the same way as Catalyst 9300 does. 

No additional license is needed, as IOx on IE3400 is supported in the Network Essentials feature set.

Hardware Resources

IE3400(H) provides the following Hardware Resources:

Resource IE3400(H) HW Spec Available for IOx
CPU ARM Cortex-A53, 64bit, 4cores @ 1.2GHz (aarch64) 2cores @ 1.2GHz (1400cpu units*)
On-board Flash 1.5GB -
SD-Card** 3.8GB 3.8GB

*Artificial benchmark number for comparison of different IOx platforms

**SD-Card is an optional component but mandatory for IOx


For network connectivity to IOx applications, IE3400 provides an internal "virtual" switch interface called "AppGigabitEthernet1/1" which can be configured mostly like a regular switch port. This interface connects to on internal Linux bridge to which the different IOx apps are connected. Apps can have one or more interfaces and be placed in any VLAN.



  • Only L2 mode ("switchport") is supported for AppGig1/1 currently
  • AppGig1/1 must be in mode trunk.



  • IE3400 or IE3400H switch
  • 4GB SD-Card (SD-IE-4GB=)
  • IOS-XE version 17.2.1 installed on flash: (not on the SD-CARD!), see release notes for installation instructions
  • Connection to the CLI, either via console or network (i.e. telnet, ssh, ...)
  • A docker container image with binaries compiled for aarch64 (a sample container image is attached to this document)


Step-by-step instructions to setup IOx on IE3400

1. Formatting the SD-CARD

  • 4GB SD-CARD needs to be inserted and mustn’t be removed once IOx is enabled
  • SD-CARD needs to be re-formatted with ext4 filesystem
  • Caveat: IE3400 can’t boot from ext4 formatted SD-CARD
!SD-CARD needs to be formatted with ext4, else iox will fail with obscure error message​

!IMPORTANT: Make sure unit boots from flash: and has its config also stored on flash:​
IE3400#show boot​

Current Boot Variables:​
BOOT variable = flash:ie3x00-universalk9.17.02.01.SPA.bin;​
Boot Variables on next reload:​
BOOT variable = flash:ie3x00-universalk9.17.02.01.SPA.bin;​
Config file = flash:/nvram_config​
MANUAL_BOOT variable = no​
ENABLE_BREAK variable = yes​

!IMPORTANT: All data on sdflash: will be lost after formatting.​
IE3400#format sdflash: ext4 ​
Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]​
Format operation will destroy all data in "sdflash:". Continue? [confirm]​
format completed with no errors​

Format of sdflash: complete​


2. Starting IOx

  • IOx is by default disabled and needs to be enabled first​
  • Wait until IOx has fully started and then check that CAF, IOxman, Libvirtd and Dockerd are in “Running” state
  • (Please refer to the IOx configuration guide for complete coverage of all commands and possible limitations)​
! Enabling IOX is a simple one line command. Be patient and wait until it is ready
IE3400#term mon
IE3400#conf t
Warning: Do not remove SD flash card when IOx is enabled or errors on SD device could occur.

*Apr  9 00:50:38.145: %UICFGEXP-6-SERVER_NOTIFIED_START: R0/0: psd: Server iox has been notified to start

*Apr  9 00:51:44.766: %IM-6-IOX_ENABLEMENT: R0/0: ioxman: IOX is ready.

! Verify via show command that the services are running
IE3400#show iox

IOx Infrastructure Summary:
IOx service (CAF) : Running
IOx service (HA)          : Not Supported
IOx service (IOxman)      : Running
IOx service (Sec storage) : Not Supported
Libvirtd   1.3.4          : Running
Dockerd    18.03.0        : Running



3. Configuring Interface AppGigabitEthernet

  • Interface AppGigabitEthernet needs to be configured as trunk
  • Allow VLANs needed for IOx Apps (optional, but best practice)
  • “mode access” is not supported, all frames leaving the interface will always be dot1q tagged.
IE3400#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
IE3400(config)#interface AppGigabitEthernet1/1
IE3400(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
IE3400(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4


4. App Network & Resources

  • Before an IOx app can be installed, the “appid” has to be configured
  • "appid" is a user chosen string, like “my_app” or “iperf3”, to identify the application
  • Also, VLAN(s) and IP address(es) need to be configured
  • One App can be configured with several interfaces (e.g. one for management and one for monitoring)
  • Network interfaces are represented as eth0, eth1… inside the app
  • Configurable app resources include CPU, Memory, VCPU(s) and persistent disk
IE3400#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
IE3400(config)#app-hosting appid iperf3
IE3400(config-app-hosting)#app-vnic AppGigabitEthernet trunk
IE3400(config-config-app-hosting-trunk)#vlan 1 guest-interface 0​ !place eth0 in Vlan 1
IE3400(config-config-app-hosting-vlan-access-ip)#guest-ipaddress netmask
IE3400(config-config-app-hosting-trunk)#vlan 3 guest-interface 1​ !place eth1 in Vlan 2
IE3400(config-config-app-hosting-vlan-access-ip)#guest-ipaddress netmask
IE3400(config-app-hosting)#app-default-gateway guest-interface 0
IE3400(config-app-hosting)#app-resource profile custom
IE3400(config-app-resource-profile-custom)#cpu 1400
IE3400(config-app-resource-profile-custom)#memory 256
IE3400(config-app-resource-profile-custom)#vcpu 2


5. Install, Activate & Start App

  • Copy the app package to either flash: or sdflash:
  • Next, the app needs to be installed
  • After successful installation, the app needs to be activated
  • Finally, the app can be started
  • If changes are made to the app’s (network) configuration, it needs to be stopped, deactivated and again activated and started
  • Sample app from this example is attached to this document
IE3400#term mon
IE3400#copy flash:
Destination filename [iperf3_eft_dockerimage_aarch64.tar]?
Loading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7281152 bytes copied in 3.901 secs (1866195 bytes/sec)
IE3400#app-hosting install appid iperf3 package flash:iperf3_eft_dockerimage_aarch64.tar
Installing package 'flash:iperf3_eft_dockerimage_aarch64.tar' for 'iperf3'. Use 'show app-hosting list' for progress.

*Apr  9 05:28:59.605: %IM-6-INSTALL_MSG: R0/0: ioxman: app-hosting: Install succeeded: iperf3 installed successfully Current state is DEPLOYED

IE3400#app-hosting activate appid iperf3
iperf3 activated successfully
Current state is: ACTIVATED

*Apr  9 05:30:32.088: %IM-6-ACTIVATE_MSG: R0/0: ioxman: app-hosting: Activate succeeded: iperf3 activated successfully Current state is in ACTIVATED
IE3400#app-hosting start appid iperf3
iperf3 started successfully
Current state is: RUNNING


Congratulations, you are running a docker container on your IE3400 switch!


Is it possible to partition the SD card to allow for both iOX and the ability to boot the devices from sdflash?

Albert Mitchell
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

in reply to previous comment, the answer is Yes. 


starting with IOS-XE 17.5.1 on IE3400, the SDFlash: file system can be partitioned to allow both the IOX required EFT4, and IOS-XE required FAT32.

you'll have to install 17.5.1 or later onto the IE3400 first.


see config guide on how to setup the SDFlash:

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