The International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC) is all set to host the 21st Annual IMTC Multimedia Products and Services Interoperability Testing Event, SuperOp! 2016, taking place at Loews Royal Pacific Resort in Orlando, Florida, May 14-20, 2016.
Testing includes communication technologies such as WebRTC, UC SDN, H.26x SVC, SIP over IPv6, SIP and H.323 Video Conferencing, Telepresence/TIP, MPEG-DASH streaming, IMS, VoLTE, RCS, Video over LTE, and many others. The IMTC is not a standards body; rather, it produces best practices outlining how to use existing standards to produce solutions that interwork well with those produced by other vendors. It also provides test case document that structure testing at the event and provide quantitative results of the level of interoperability among with implementation represented at the event.
One of the IMTC activity groups that participates actively each year in this event is the SIP Interconnect AG. This group provides a forum for IMTC member companies to collaborate and pool resources on issues and extensions to enterprise communication applications that are based on the IETF's RFC 3261, SIP: Session Initiation Protocol. With its best practices documents providing a shared foundation, the group identifies and tackles challenges and opportunities with interoperability, operation, and integration of SIP based applications with emerging communication and networking technologies.
The main activities of the group are to:
- Organize interoperability test efforts (both virtual and face-to-face)
- Provide a forum for members to agree on an overall SIP profile for communication applications, including where it involves interconnecting with other application and network technologies (e.g. WebRTC, SDN, IPv6)
- Educate members on recent developments in SIP standards and market evolution
The work of the SIP Interconnect AG and findings from last year's SuperOp resulting in the recently released IMTC 1015, SIP Video Profile Best Practices, Implementation Guide.
You can find an overview presentation covering this and other best practice documents produced by the SIP Interconnect AG at SIP Video Conferencing Interoperability Review.