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This event had place on Thursday 3rd, December 2020 at 9:30 hrs PDT 


This event was an opportunity to discuss about Collaboration Solutions Analyzer (CSA), understand the scope that this tool can have for your day-to-day work. With it you centralize the information, and make control and operation more efficient. Consider that CSA helps you during the different phases of a collaboration solution lifecycle and offers tools to assist during the implementation, validation, and operational phases. Our experts can help you to solve your doubts here after the event!.

Featured Experts

psmeunin.jpgPhilip Smeuninx is a Principal Engineer in the Customer Experience Collaboration Technology team. Philip has spent years troubleshooting and diagnosing issues on some of the largest and most complex Cisco Collaboration deployments. Today he works closely with engineering, partnering on implementing enhanced serviceability capabilities and applications. He is passionate about customer experience and has been leading several innovations, like Webex Serviceability service. He has strong interest in how machine learning capabilities can transform the operations and support experience. He has certification on CCIE R&S, Voice, and Collaboration.
Kristof Van Coillie is a Technical Leader in the Customer Experience organization focusing on Collaboration. He has worked at Cisco for more than twelve years on several innovation projects around automation and support. Kristof holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Ghent University.

You can download the slides of the presentation in PDF format here.

Live Questions

Q:Can CSA help identify problems with other peers in an Expwy cluster?

A: Depends what exactly the problem is; we have a lot of diagnostic signatures built-in (that I will cover as part of the log analysis).

Q:Will there be a version where you can determine different regions for the query to originate from, for example, a client may have GEO DNS and send requests to different platforms in geographical locations... USA, EU, APAC etc?

A: This is something we are exploring as it would definitely be beneficial for setups that use GEO DNS. We are working with the platform team on which we run to assess the possibilities of implementing this.

Q:What is the role of priority and weight in srv and the difference b/e them?

A:Priority: the priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred.¬ Weight: A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means higher chance of getting picked.

Q:Do softphones use trunks to register to CUCM for MRA?

A: They do not, in fact you cannot have a trunk using port 5060/5061 on CUCM towards Expressway-C because CUCM does not accept registrations on a SIP Trunk.

Q:Will it be able to sort out cucm issue?

A:Here you can find all supported products and features:

Q:When the CSA will support CUBE?

A:This is on the roadmap, we have it working on the internal version. Once we completed EFT we will release it.

Q:When is CTIQBE coming for MRA? 

A: For product feature questions the Product Manager is best positioned to provide an answer, however, what I know is that currently this is not planned for.

Q:Does log advisor also suggests for Cisco Contact Center portfolio as well?

A: Yes today only for CVP:

Q:Is CSA support on Webex calls (Hybrid Calling or Webex Calling)? Since we can't access the call logs directly, it wil lbe nice the CSA can pull the related call log from Webex.

A:Agree and thanks for the feedback, we are looking how we can better support the cloud edge type of solutions.

Q:Seemed like I had issues uploading the individual CUCM traces and getting the entire view of the call in question. Once I uploaded all files zipped up. It produced what I wanted to see.

A: Correct, files must be zipped up:

Q:What level of debugging do I need to enable on my cvp to get such detailed information?

A: The supported products and requirements you find documented here:

Q:Is CSA an online toll hosted on cisco portal?

A:Yes it is hosted by cisco on

Q:What is the link to the log analyzer?

A: Yes! You can find it here:

Q:Is it best practice to upload your logs into Log Analysis using something like 7-Zip?

A:Find the answer to this question in the Ask Me Anything for this session.

Q:Will this take any pcap with SIP/RTP streams (i.e a pca from CUBE)?

A:Find the answer to this question in the Ask Me Anything for this session.

Q:Is there capability for IOS debug log analysis?

A:Find the answer to this question in the Ask Me Anything for this session.

Q:Can we download CA certificate from srv ssl certificate and if able then if upload it in expressway then works fine?

A:Find the answer to this question in the Ask Me Anything for this session.

Related Information

Comments log analysis hasn't been working for some time now



Every time I upload log files it stays at: "Loading your files into CSA..." and it does not pass from there.

Please help to fix the tool.

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