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Cisco CLI Analyzer

Find tools and resources to streamline your service and parts logistics questions, technical documen...

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CLI Analyzer v3.7.1 error 471

I'm trying to run ASA System Diagnostics after upgrading ASA firmware to version 9.20(3)10, but I'm getting an error ASA System Diagnostics is currently unavailable [471].  The System Diagnostics worked while running ASA version 9.18(4)22.

Cisco U free learning paths

Is there a way to see how long a learning path is available to access for free in Cisco U? I am in progress with the "Understanding Cisco Network Automation Essentials" and would like to complete it to get the learning credits, but also want to spend...

Nexus 5672UP update issue

Hello!I have Nexus 5672UP.SoftwareBIOS: version 2.1.1Power Sequencer Firmware:Module 1: v4.0Module 1: v4.0Fabric Power Sequencer Firmware: Module 1: version v4.0Microcontroller Firmware: version v0.0.0.15QSFP Microcontroller Firmware:Module 1: v2.0.0...


hi >>> The access point 702i disconnects automatically, and when I tracked the reason, the sys log appeared to me. Can you help me solve this problem? WLC model= 5508 , software ver =

CSCuu96537-WS-C4 Superport Mac link down

I noticed this Superport Mac link down in the logs. Can this cause intermittent issues on the entire chassis WS-C4510R+E?I have users complaining of intermittent issues on their network connections and i see the pattern when i tested several ports wi...

Cisco NetAcad Website not Working

I'm trying to access Cisco networking academy online, but it keeps loading endlesslyI have tried to log in with another computer in another network it works fine, but in my own computer and my own network the website not working.Anyone have the fix f...

Resolved! ISR 4431 , bug CSCuw79856,CSCvc24451

Hi, we have two power supplies and on P0 we get the following messages.  environmental-1-alert: v: pem out, location: p0, state: warning, reading: 13100 mv The bug recommendations have been complied with, but to no avail(IOS 15.5(3) CPLD 16.7(4r))ple...