Hello CME Tcl experts,
We're currently assisting a customer who has requested implementing an after-hours audio voice message/call termination on their CME.
Could you please confirm if this can be achieved using the CME B-ACD and tcl Call-Handling Applications(after-hour voice message and after-hour call termination)? Also, can someone provide or confirm the sample configuration below for this purpose? As far as I know, the basic script does not have such a scenario, and we don't know how we can help with this with Partner
# Define the welcome prompt and after-hours prompt
proc act_Setup { } {
global param
set param(welcomePrompt) "flash:welcome.au"
set param(afterHoursPrompt) "flash:afterhours.au"
# Handle incoming calls
proc act_IncomingCall { } {
global param
set callInfo [infotag get evt_origination]
if { $callInfo == "incoming" } {
leg setupack leg_incoming
leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg connect leg_incoming
if { [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H] >= 18 || [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H] < 8 } {
leg playfile leg_incoming $param(afterHoursPrompt)
leg disconnect leg_incoming
} else {
leg playfile leg_incoming $param(welcomePrompt)
# Main script execution