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RV082 & QuickVPN - no connection - 5 errors - HELP?

Level 1
Level 1


Newly purchased and installed RV082, static IP address at server co-location site, can access from remote office and home via web and PPTP no problems.

Setup VPN Client access userid and password, made active, exported client certificate and saved in correct location on local PC as per setup manual

Configure QuickVPN on local PC and when attempting to connect - obtain 5 errors!

  - confirmed password is correct

  - have a valid IP address for network card

  - have the correct server address and can ping it (also manage via web and PPTP connection

  - Firewall enabled, added QuickVPN to allowed programs, IPSec service running

  - different IP range so no conflict there (not even touching router as yet or router logs are not recording this)

- log.txt indicates

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]Connecting...

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [DEBUG]Input VPN Server Address = w.x.y.z

2013/01/21 17:24:33 [STATUS]Connecting to remote gateway with IP address: w.x.y.z

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [STATUS]Remote gateway was reached by https ...

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [WARNING]Remote gateway wasn't reached...

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [WARNING]Failed to connect.

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [STATUS]Remote gateway was reached by https ...

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [WARNING]Remote gateway wasn't reached...

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [WARNING]Failed to connect.

2013/01/21 17:24:34 [WARNING]Failed to connect

- wget_error log indicates

--17:24:34--  https://test11:*password*@w.x.y.z:60443/StartConnection.htm?version=1?IP=*password*?USER=test11

           => `C://Program Files (x86)//Cisco Small Business//QuickVPN Client//vpnserver.conf

Connecting to w.x.y.z:60443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: unspecified [text/html]

    0K                                                         101.56 KB/s

17:24:34 (101.56 KB/s) - `C://Program Files (x86)//Cisco Small Business//QuickVPN Client//vpnserver.conf' saved [104]

Debugging thus far

- can ping router from remote office using local PC, have Windows 7 Pro, Firewall enabled, IPSec service started

- have tried to run in Win 7 safe mode with networking - same error

- have used another local PC

- have tried in compatibility mode - same error (log displays different OS )

- no logs on router

- no details in windows logs

- router firmware - not the latest but not old - v4.1.1.01-sp (this is still to be updated however from what I can see I am not even touching the router as yet)

- client s/w tried latest version but also went back one version to - same issue

Is this utility s/w really that bad - why such poor error reporting, surely not difficult to narrow range of error experienced

Any clues as to what can be tried next?

Obviously w.x.y.z is router IP address, colocation internal LAN address is 10.2.1.x range so does not conflict with remote LAN 192.168.1.x.

Again, I can access and manage router remotely using https://w.x.y.z so am stumped as to why this appears to make the connection but  nothing registered on router.

All help and suggestions appreciated



6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1

Made some progress, created a third userid (already had 2 created for myself) and it worked! Will investigate password length and complexity later.

Am now having an issue where the Remote Gateway is not responding, however I can happily ping the router WAN address, and have enabled ICMP echo response, even created a new rule to this effect, still the same issue.

Seriously, why is this utility so poor in it's error messages? They mean very little and leave you clueless. It seems that there are many problems with this QuickVPN s/w - if it works you are lucky, if problematic then you have issues.

I have attempted the Safe mode option - same result, disabled anti-virus, created custom rule for invbound ICMP, disabled firewall(makes no difference)

I have tried suggestions from other posts by adding the Path variable c:\windows\system32 but still get the same error - "remote gateway not responding". At this stage the RV082 is goiung back to the supplier as it is not fit for purpose - so much wasted time already spent on such a simple connection!

What other options exist?

Question: is there any other method of connecting to this routers "VPN Client Access" without using the Cisco QuickVPN s/w?

Many thanks and good luck if you have a problem.



Hello Duncan,

Yeah QVPN can be very picky as you have probably already read and experience. Looks like you have already covered a good bit that I would have gone over. What I would do for the two users is delete them and re-add them. That should get you going. What may have happen was you created the two users and then you generated a certficate? That is my guess, let me know if I am wrong but would make since why the 3rd user started working.

Now as for the "remote gateway is not responding" again it sounds like you have covered most of the options I would have gone over. You usually get this message when something on the computer is blocking ping because after it creates the tunnel it will send a ping through the tunnel and usually the ping gets blocked on the way back.. but in your case it sounds like you have already created those rules to allow ICMP packets. I would run the program in Windodws Vista Service pack 2 and do the "run program as admin" option for QVPN.

At this point the only option I can think of on the router would be to use PPTP. Don't know how you feel about that since it is not IPSec. Other than that there is the client to gateway section were you can set up 3rd party IPsec VPN software but I am only familar with setting up QVPN on that unit though.

I hope that helps you out


Clayton Sill

Yes, the software is THAT bad.  QuickVPN should have been left behind when they released v2 hardware, and again with v3.  I tried it in 2006-2007 with the v1 RV042 & RV082 and will never try it again.  After a couple months worth of troubleshooting finally got it "working" but it required specific settings and custom hosts/lmhosts files to be installed on the client side for them to see the internal servers reliably.  In the end, it was still unreliable. 

I turned up Routing & Remote Access on a Server 2003 box and never looked back.  That client still uses the MS vpn now through Server 2008R2, never has any issues and the utility is built right into Windows so nothing to purchase.

If you don't have a server that can handle VPN, and can't afford a more expensive router, then you aren't big enough to require the fancy security - just use the 5-user PPTP, it works great, and I use it as a temporary portal to access all of my client networks easily.  OR, just get one of the cheaper routers that does SSL vpn for a couple connections.  OR, look at the ISA550 - about the same price but a much more capable and stable device, also a wireless option.  My only beef with that one is the ports are on the back and it has an external power brick.

There is a chance this might work - disabling "Block WAN request" was something I never tried, and I can see that might help.  Credit to Jonathan for this doc:


I completely agree with your appraisal of this utility. Cost is not the biggest issue, just the need to provide a secure environment for more than 5 users.

I have already tried the WAN Request with both settings - no difference I'm afraid. It is definitely to do with the return ping down the tunnel and somehow not being "found" by the QuickVPN utility.

We are sourcing another oruter as any mfurther time spent of this waaaay exceeds the router value. We'll go for something else that works out of the box.

Thanks for the suggestion!

A post that I read was quite accurate - the chap mentioned that more than 90% of the problems experienced were PC related - if that is our issue, then support becomes a nightmare - so why does it require such tinkering to make it work?

Final conclusion - bad utility!! ;-(

Cheers All

Dear Friends

I wish you are fine ........ QuickVPN is very bad utility and unstable ....... I tried TheGreenBow VPN Client and it works very well ......... Here is the torrent link for software:

Also here is the link that describe the configuration between RV082 and TheGreenBow

In this configuration, You will create Tunnel for every client .......Also since the clients have dynamic IP address, Use Remote Security Gateway Type : Dynamic IP + Email address

Kindly find the below link for a summary document prepeared by me for this configuration

If you need any help, Don't hesitate contact me

Best Regards